accusations of being Putin's friends are just false
that might be, but it doesn't matter for me. AfD and BSW want to stop weapon deliveries just like Die Linke.
AfD and BSW are Putins friends and what they demand leads to Putin getting (parts of) Ukraine. Die Linke isn't Putins friend and what they demand leads to Putin getting (parts of) Ukraine. in the end it's the same
Die Linke can demand from Putin whatever the hell they want. without weapons Ukraine is doomed and there's no reason for Putin to listen to their demands and to think he'll listen is, like I said, delusional (that's my whole point).
also, Putins promises and guarantees (which he won't make) mean nothing. what's stopping him from attacking again after rebuilding his army?
But Die Linke doesn't (only) demands from Putin but wants to bring international pressure and international security guarantees.
Again, I agree that Ukraine also needs weapons, but that's not the point I'm arguing. I argue that saying "Die Linke is friendly towards Russia" is a false statement and that their points are not misrepresented.