Games: nope. Same as someone above, I've got Cyberpunk on Linux
Office/Adobe... may be a fair point for some
Nvidia card: nope, works fine
HDR: did not even bother to learn what is. Can be a fair point
Fractional scaling - genuine question: who the hell ever needs this? I have gone from 1K resolution (standard laptop) to 2K to 2.5K to 34K with curved monitor and never ever ever did I think "hey, this big screen? I want everything bigger/smaller on it". What do people use fractional scaling for?
I feel like I will never go for more than present 4k with around 80cm width (but it is curved, so screen surface is enough), because if I try to stuff more windows visible at the same time, it becomes more info than I can process. So, unless I start building something like personal dashboard, this is my limit: finally see enough, do not get overwhelmed
Your post smells of someone, who only uses their computer for fairly limited tasks.
There's so much software around serious work, creativity, and productivity, that doesn't exist for linux or is meh. CAD, audio, video, music production.
The main reasons I use macOS are GarageBand and apps for DJing. Anything audio still breaks far too often on linux or is otherwise a pain.