"It is not Trump—just as it was not Biden or Harris—who decides what the Palestinians can or cannot do," Abandon Harris' Hudhayfah Ahmad told Newsweek.
"Over the past 16 months, the Biden-Harris administration's full, unobstructed support for Israel's campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing has failed to remove the Palestinians of Gaza from their land," Hudhayfah Ahmad, a spokesperson for the Muslim-American led Abandon Harris campaign, said in a statement to Newsweek.
"It is not Trump—just as it was not Biden or Harris—who decides what the Palestinians can or cannot do; that decision belongs solely to the people of Palestine."
Right, so just the completely empty statement I mentioned in my own reply. Meaningless bullshit from people who failed both, America and their heritage because they refused to accept reality.
Fuck off with the nonsense. I said none of the idiotic shit you're spewing.
The sheer insanity of not only voting, but actually encouraging others to vote for a person literally promising a carte blanche to a nation currently wiping Palestinians off the face of the planet is a level stupidity unmatched by a typical orange felon voter.
I never said that. They contributed in a significant way. That's a fact. Their brainless contribution made things significantly worse for America and Palestinians. That's a fact.
A Western diplomat in Cairo, also speaking anonymously because the discussions have not been made public, confirmed receiving Egypt’s message of its strong opposition through multiple channels. The diplomat said Egypt was very serious and viewed the plan as a threat to its national security.
The diplomat said Egypt rejected similar proposals from the Biden administration and European countries early in the war, which was sparked by Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023 attack into southern Israel. The earlier proposals were broached privately, while Trump announced his plan at a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Significantly worse because the EU/Biden proposals to help rebuild did NOT include removing all the Palestinians from Gaza before starting rebuilding. It's like you don't want to hear how genocidal trump sounds.
What does this article have to do with your argument that Biden supposedly also offered US take over Gaza?
Not only is the "source" an unnamed diplomat, but even if that claim is true, your argument against someone saying Biden's plan didn't involve removing Palestinians from Gaza is that Israel doesn't give a shit about international law?
Are you saying Israel would fight US troops if they deployed in Gaza to get rid of Hamas? Just trying to understand the crazy logic that only makes sense in your head.
So if you understand that them "contributing in a significant way" resulted in no difference in voter turnout, then why try to push that false and divisive narrative?
You have to curb your ego before you let it override reality.
Ever wonder why the Gaza protests got constant media coverage but the nation wide trans protests and strikes don't get any coverage despite having way more participants?
It's obvious to me, it should be obvious to you.
The media showed you what it wanted you to think, and you internalized it.
You keep trying misinterpret what I say and you keep failing. The down votes should be a clear indication that most people see right past your bullshit.
Reality is that idiots that pushed against an obviously better choice for president helped elect an orange cunt that now made situation worse for everyone. There's no arguing against these facts.