Any taped content wouldn't sway his cult of loonies. The guy rapes and fantasizes about shooting people on the street. Could be just psycho machismo why they're colluding
Nobody would give a fuck about pee tapes. Cee-pee tapes, maybe, but even then it might still not be enough to bring him down at this point.
Otherwise, it's 100% clear Trump is doing this shit because he's a Putin fanboi and fascist true believer, not because he's somehow being coerced. Stop giving him the benefit of the doubt.
That didn't happen. Trump is famously a germaphobe.
What allegedly happened:
Trump "hated" Obama so much that when he stayed at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Moscow, he hired the presidential suite (Report 80), but did not stay in it.[233] There he employed "a number of prostitutes to perform a 'golden showers' (urination) show in front of him"[127][225][234] in order to defile the bed used by the Obamas on an earlier visit. The alleged incident from 2013 was reportedly filmed and recorded by the FSB[235] as kompromat.