That's my DeLonge style strat in teal and pink. Picked it up at a garage sale for $40 and got new hardware/electronics. It SHREDS now. I like to take it out on the back porch with my little rechargeable amp and rip some tasty licks in the sweet, crisp, summer mornings with a nice fresh brewed coffee.
My parents bought me that in 2002. It's an Epi. I replaced the electronics and put fake inlays in the fretboard. Now the biggest fan of the tune-o-matic bridges, but they are easier than Fender's for sure.
As far as looks the Yamaha Revstar or Surf Pearl Fender Strat. As far as sound and playability, the Godin Exit 22. It's the single cut mahogany one. I love my Fenders too. They will always be my proof to myself that "I've made it" because I didn't think I would ever be able to afford even just one. I was but a Squier boy as a young man. The red strat on the bottom was the first guitar my parents bought me in 1999.