or for a potential fun comment thread: is dude gendered? I grew up in a place where a lot of people called everyone dude regardless of gender. That said, when I’ve brought this up, some people get real heated about it.
You know I've said "dude" all my life and I still use it all the time in regards to everyone. If I saw that someone was genuinely offended at being called dude I wouldn't use it again with that person, but now that I really think about it I don't think I've ever heard the term in a derogatory way. Like ever. For me it's always been a happy/inclusive word for addressing friends. My only worry for now is that saying it shows my age.
To me this feels like you could say "Guys, <insert sentence directed at a group>", as a general term to catch the attention of/refer to a mixed genre group as a whole. Anyone getting upset that you're using "Guys" in that context to refer to both men and women is just looking for an excuse