Would Kamala Harris have won the 2024 election if Latinos didn't shift hard to the right?
Now that we have final numbers. It appears that Harris had all the white & black support she needed for an EC victory. But Trump outright flipping Latino men and making huge gains with Latino women seems to have made all the difference.
No? I'll simply continue voting for good people (when they run) and telling dweebs like yourself why their candidate is still fucking trash as usual. eventually it'll sink it. In no way is refusing to support the democratic party due to current behavior a statement about no longer being politically active.
But based on current trends looks like the DNC is probably done nationally unless they actually have a come to jesus moment as a group which based on past behavior is terribly unlikely.
I mirror the individual I'm interacting with: remember saying this?
Or the fact you walked into a conversation with me acting like I don't understand exactly whats going to happen over the next few years as a result of the democrats being completely out of touch with the voting populace and managing to lose to fucking donald trump by being unconscionably disgusting to minority groups with real fucking problems impacting their families and workers struggling to pay their bills.
You see the thing is many of you dweebs disregard is your own obnoxious behaviors in these conversations. In standard form dweebs fail to realize their social graces are trash because most people are too polite to tell them.
the points make themselves. the rest is just for funnies. next time you want to be a arrogant ass make sure you have the chops and moral position to back it up.
Perhaps, but I'm not the one who stepped on a rake in their blind support for genocidal, anti-worker, corporate hacks because someone had the audacity to call the spade a spade.
If you want warm and fuzzies from people like me stop supporting the genocidal, anti-worker candidates and trying to tell people they're worth getting out of bed for because they'll protect your minority group of the month depending on how the wind blows.