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  • "Building an alternative" doesn't happen in the ballot box. It happens everywhere else.

    Mostly correct, actually, it's just important to highlight how unimportant the ballot box is.

    It happens by getting a better voting system rather than FPTP, for which I'm doing actual, active advocacy. (Are you?)

    No, because that's silly, and won't fix anything. Only revolution can.

    It happens by working at a grassroots level to get people with better opinions elected, all the way down to local judges, city council members and library boards, where I, once again, am active. (Are you?)

    Ah, the old "out of sight, out of mind" approach! Certainly won't be sufficient.

    It happens by getting involved in politics at a local level and building a movement. I'm doing that. (Are you?) It doesn't happen by throwing a tantrum in the voting booth.

    Yep, I am checking out my local chapters of FRSO and PSL and am going to sign on with one of them. They are DemCent, so I can't join both.

    The fascists know this. The fascists use this to their advantage. And the fascists would absolutely love for there to be 10 competing leftist parties acting as a spoiler effect for liberals. Because as bad as liberals are, fascists are worse.

    Fascism is Capitalism in decay, you can't separate liberalism over time from fascism. Fascism isn't an idea, but a defensive response to leftism.

    Throwing out a "no u" when I point out how the things you are doing are paving the way for fascists is not a good argument unless your goal is to actually get fascists into power. And I will choose liberalism over fascism, because that's the harm reduction path to leftism, whereas letting the fascists win is the harm maximisation path.

    You say this while saying you help perpetuate liberalism, paving the way for fascism, lmao

    • That's a lot of text to say "Yes, I want the fascist to win."

      Making things worse isn't going to accelerate the revolution. It's going to make things worse and kill the most vulnerable in our society - the ones who would most benefit from a revolution. If you truly want a socialist revolution, you need to have enough people on your side. And having those people be dead is counterproductive.

      • That's a lot of text to say "Yes, I want the fascist to win."

        In other words, you can't actually respond to my points so you'll misrepresent them. Typical liberalism.

        Making things worse isn't going to accelerate the revolution.

        Never said it would, that's why I am trying to do what I can before liberals speedrun America into fascism.

        It's going to make things worse and kill the most vulnerable in our society - the ones who would most benefit from a revolution. If you truly want a socialist revolution, you need to have enough people on your side. And having those people be dead is counterproductive.

        Yep, the Dems and Reps both are killing marginalized people, both domestically and abroad, so we have to abandon them and cease support for their genocide and imperialism

        • You're talking in circles and fundamentally missing the point that neither voting third-party nor not voting isn't going to make things better. It's only going to make things worse.

          The ballot box is for harm reduction, and equivocating the level of evil of two candidates only ever helps the more evil option.

          If you want to make your first actual point, feel free to do so. If you want to keep repeating the very talking points that got us the situation that allowed for this genocide in the first place, don't bother.

          • You're talking in circles and fundamentally missing the point that neither voting third-party nor not voting isn't going to make things better. It's only going to make things worse.

            Things are getting worse if either the Dems or Reps win, Third Party is the only chance electorally.

            The ballot box is for harm reduction, and equivocating the level of evil of two candidates only ever helps the more evil option.

            Pretending equal evils are different based on vibes alone isn't harm reduction, it's harm acceleration.

            If you want to make your first actual point, feel free to do so. If you want to keep repeating the very talking points that got us the situation that allowed for this genocide in the first place, don't bother.

            If you want to make your first actual point, feel free to do so. If you want to keep repeating the very talking points that got us the situation that allowed for this genocide in the first place, don't bother.