I am not looking to participate in a community where mods remove posts based on their feelings about the source, there needs to be a proof to the mod claim.
Why did my post got removed in this case?
How is the source unreliable, what is the mod proof for that?
They write the information is being confirmed, and it's a translation problem. That means it's being updated.
It's 100% normal military procedure, to confirm/update any incoming information as new information arrives.
These people are NOT native english speakers.
You are being an asshole. And you are arguing from ignorance.
Source is unvetted information from a Facebook page.
I have personally shown you the link that proves the numbers are the official numbers.
It has been explained very clearly to you that your claim is false, the posts on facebook are OFFICIAL by the armed forces!!
That the numbers are being verified is a normal military jargon, because war is chaos, and the influx of information is constant.
The numbers are verified for instance by flyovers, all military in the world do this!! These numbers are verified constantly, and what we get is a "snapshot" every day.
For a period of almost a year, the numbers in English were ONLY available on the OFFICIAL facebook and telegram page for the armed forces. While the ministry of defense only posted the numbers in Ukrainian and without the graphics.
You are being unreasonable and stubborn for some reason, chaotic yes, good no.
Your claim is false, your reasons are based on ignorance, you are outright lying to support your claim and you are being stubborn as an ass about it. Even if everything you claim was true, pravda.ua is a reputable news source.
You wouldn’t accept it if Russia was doing it,
This is whataboutism ands a false equivalence, what russian source are you referring to? The Russian Pravda is state owned propaganda, and in Russia if a journalist even call it a war, they will be send to prison!!! Ukraine has free press, Russia does not.
Pravda.ua is part of the free press in line with mostly every other western country.the article was demonstrated to be based on OFFICIAL data.
Thanks. It must not be easy to impartially moderate content regarding a war and keeping it factual, when most of the userbase lives in countries directly or indirectly on one side of the conflict.
OMG you have NO idea. I know people in Lebanon RIGHT NOW. People who have lived through previous Israeli assaults. It's super hard to step back and go "So, wait, if it were the other side doing this..."
That’s why they should be falling back on the reputable sources as shown by their own MBFC bot instead of playing backseat journalist and questioning individual sources within an article.
Sure, but if no reputable sources are available for a specific matter yet (which is especially common when it comes to war bullet-ins from the government of one of the two fronts) then what? Moreover, what would "falling back" consist of? Positing a comment? The user that posted the thing was not banned, and they were clearly instructed to re-post from a more reliable source.
But that’s the whole point - the source linked in the original post is deemed to be reliable by their own determined tool. So why is a mod nitpicking the text within the linked article? It’s either a reputable source or not. They kept stuff from the New York Times about the Oct 6 attacks even though that didn’t have good sources, and they throw out anything from Fox News even if it’s factually correct.
The mod made a mistake and didn’t seem to realize that the Ukrainian Pravda (legit, privately owner, reliable) is different from Russian Pravda (owned by Russian Communist Party, propaganda) - and keeps coming up with excuses why he did what he did. It’s sad
This ^ is the same person which, after I dared to answer to their buzz-sentences about the war ("Russia is the evil, doing genocide, they don't want to negotiate" etc) with some arguments and a few facts that they didn't like (but they didn't respond to), proceeded to throw in a few more bullet points with zero-claims out of their feelings, and informed me that they blocked me. Lmao. Karen/Simon who believe what they are told on facebook must always bee the right side of history.
Dude, really? Did you not see the links I provided from the official Ministry of Defense site or the verified Facebook account? The other news sites providing the same information?
At this point you seem to only be arguing in bad faith because you don’t want to admit you couldn’t tell the difference between Russian Pravda and the Ukrainian Pravda. That was the only thing mentioned in your comment on the removed post, and everything since then has seemingly been posturing.
This is so disappointing - I’ve been a vocal proponent of the job you mods are doing and supportive of your efforts to use what tools you have to help with a difficult job, and you’re just being completely unreasonable about this.