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Is the U.S. a Police State?

Let’s look at evidence:


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  • Well seeing as we:

    • Call officers who hide as "undercover agents" but we call them in other countries "secret police" and
    • We have police who hide in unmarked cars
    • Both parties love cops more than its own citizens, increasing funds for cops than any regulation on them. One even has a cop as a VP.
    • Cops aren't required to know the laws they arrest you for
    • "Innocent until proven guilty" is often a farce when you're any form of minority, where people are killed on death row for crimes they never committed
    • Cops are paid more for militarization than teachers and social programs who prevent future criminals
    • Cops can shot anyone for any reason with a rare chance of even being punished for it by leaving to join a different police force
    • The NSA, FBI, and CIA know more of its citizens than neighbors know each other, despite it being illegal.
    • Not even getting into how cops often crack down on citizens' movements and protests, especially those of BIPOC and Queer.

    I'm going to go with "Since at least 2001, way longer if you're any form of minority." China learns from the Americans, like Nazi Germany did from our treatment of its citizens.