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Media Criticism

  • Hyping Ukraine Counteroffensive, U.S. Press Chose Propaganda over Journalism Hyping Ukraine Counteroffensive, US Press Chose Propaganda Over Journalism

    The consensus among policymakers in Washington is to push for endless conflict, no matter how many Ukrainians die in the process.

    Hyping Ukraine Counteroffensive, US Press Chose Propaganda Over Journalism

    >While the Post has yet to publish the documents in full, the leaks and the other sources clearly painted a picture of a potentially disastrous counteroffensive. Fear was so palpable that the Biden administration privately worried about how he could keep up support for the war when the widely hyped offensive sputtered. In the midst of this, Blinken continued to dismiss the idea of a ceasefire, opting instead to pursue further escalating the conflict. > >Despite the importance of these facts, they were hardly reported on by the rest of corporate media, and dropped from subsequent war coverage. When the Post (6/14/23) published a long article citing Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s cautious optimism about the campaign, it neglected to mention its earlier reporting about the government’s privately gloomier assessments. The documents only started appearing again in the press after thousands were dead, and the campaign’s failure undeniable. > >[…] > >Even Rep. Andy Harris (D-Md.), co-chair of the congressional Ukraine Caucus, publicly questioned whether or not the war was “winnable” (Politico, 8/17/23). Speaking on the counteroffensive’s status, he said, “I’ll be blunt, it’s failed.”

    I promise that Russia will lose the war tomorrow.

  • Maui Fire Coverage Ignored Fossil Fuel Responsibility

    News reports largely confused the climate crisis's contribution to the fire, and ignored the role of fossil fuels in planetary heating.

    Maui Fire Coverage Ignored Fossil Fuel Responsibility

    >Two days later, the Washington Post (8/12/23) had solidified what can be described as a “discourse of confusion” with the headline, “Maui Fires Not Just Due to Climate Change but a ‘Compound Disaster.’” > >There is not just one “standout factor,” it asserted, but different “agents acting together.” The article explained that rising temperatures contributed to the severity of the blaze, but “global warming could not have driven the fires by itself.” Other “human influences” on “climate and environment” are causing these disasters to escalate. Making a distinction between planetary warming and other “human influences” on “environment” muddies the connections between a warming planet and extreme weather events, and confuses the realities of climate disruption. It obscures who is responsible and what must change. > >For climate scientist David Ho (Twitter, 8/10/23), a professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the cause of the Maui fires was straightforward and stated clearly: >>People associate Hawaii with tropical conditions, but rainfall has been decreasing for decades because of climate change, drying out the lush landscape and making it increasingly susceptible to wildfire damage. > >Another climate scientist and energy policy expert, Leah Stokes at UC Santa Barbara, was also clear about climate change and the Maui fires. Over a image of Lahaina, she posted (Twitter, 8/9/23): “This is climate change. Every day we delay cutting fossil fuels, more tragedies like this happen.”

    (Emphasis original.)

  • Response to “Spinning illusions: The anti-American left and the Ukraine war” — a new McCarthyism

    >The world needs an antiwar movement willing to consistently speak out and mobilize opposition among poor and working people when it is most difficult and unpopular to resist the endless U.S. wars. In the U.S., we need to oppose the devastating impact of 800 U.S. military bases around the world and a military budget 40% of the world’s total. We need to address the illegal and inhumane U.S. sanctions on 40 countries, comprising a third of the world population. > >But most important is that we need an antiwar movement that always links these endless U.S. wars to the war here at home. The racist repression, the world’s largest prison population and three police killings every day, and widening attacks on migrants, LGBTQ2S+ people and others are the outgrowth of U.S. wars. > >We are determined to continue to oppose U.S. wars and demand that the hundreds of billions of dollars of the military budget that benefits corporate power in the U.S. be spent on people’s needs. > >We are actively building, with many others, for nationally coordinated days of opposition to the U.S./NATO war in Ukraine from Sept. 30 to Oct. 7 in more than 100 U.S. cities.

  • NY Times publishes hit job on anti-war activists; solidarity must be the answer

    Once in a while, the New York Times runs an article that reveals what this media conglomerate really represents. People often call the Times “liberal.” That’s because it seems to oppose some of the most reactionary politicians, like president #45, and gives ample opinion space to diverse voices.

    NY Times publishes hit job on anti-war activists; solidarity must be the answer

    >Unlike others, Singham actually did give away significant parts of his fortune. He gave it to leftist causes — and that’s why he, as well as his life partner Jodie Evans, a founder of Code Pink and a leading political activist, were targeted.

    ETA: NYT Reveals That a Tech Mogul Likes China—and That McCarthyism Is Alive and Well

  • NBC Cites Balloon ‘Threat’ in Fawning Coverage of NORAD

    NBC’s framing is structured so that the new technology NORAD is seeking is portrayed as an important part of America’s defense.

    NBC Cites Balloon ‘Threat’ in Fawning Coverage of NORAD

    >For the NBC report, the first Chinese balloon wasn’t a non-event blown out of proportion, but something that “shined a light” on the “strategic importance” of Alaskan military bases “as adversaries like Russia and China demonstrate new capabilities.” NBC didn’t bother including the Pentagon’s admissions that the balloon was not an intelligence threat, or the likelihood that it drifted into U.S. airspace by accident. Instead, it allowed the earlier pervasive assumption that the balloon represented some kind of crisis to justify the rest of the coverage. > >[…] > >The message of NBC’s reporting was clear: Russia and China are coming, and we need a robust military to defend ourselves from these threats. The balloon was just a practice run for more threats from Russia and China. The images on screen did the job of reinforcing this message, despite the fact that there was no logical argument about any danger presented to the audience.

    (Emphasis original.)

  • Fans of Cluster Bombs Dominate the Washington Post’s Opinion Section Fans of Cluster Bombs Dominate WaPo’s Opinion Section

    As the US escalates the already bloody Ukraine conflict, the Washington Post's opinion pages cheerlead for the military/industrial complex.

    Fans of Cluster Bombs Dominate WaPo’s Opinion Section

    >Another Post op-ed, by columnist Max Boot (7/11/23), headlined “Why Liberals Protesting Cluster Munitions for Ukraine Are Wrong,” illustrates the “ends justify the means” rhetoric so pervasive in discourse over the war in Ukraine. > >Boot acknowledged the devastating impact of cluster munitions, noting that “in Laos alone, at least 25,000 people have been killed or injured by unexploded ordnance since the US bombing ended.” He added: >>Such concerns led more than 100 nations—but not the United States, Russia or Ukraine—to join the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions abolishing the use of these weapons. > >Of course, the United States is notorious for isolating itself from the rest of the world when it comes to the signing of international treaties—as the Council on Foreign Relations, where Mr. Boot is a senior fellow, has shown. The US signed but failed to ratify the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (which has 178 state parties) and the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (which has 189 state parties). It refused to even sign the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty (which has 164 state parties).

  • Capitalist media unconcerned about the destruction of a vital Atlantic ocean

    >Some climate scientists are cautious about the new study, suggesting that more observational data is needed to say the collapse could happen so imminently (Grist, 7/26/23). But as climate scientist Jonathan Foley argued (Twitter, 7/27/23), though the study doesn’t offer certainty, the consequences are so dire that “the only prudent reaction to this is to work to address climate change, as quickly as possible, to avoid these kinds of impacts.” > >“I really wish that journalists and editors took this as seriously as scientists do, and reported it loudly and accurately, taking the time to get the facts right,” Foley wrote. “The planet is in trouble, and we need to have the best possible information.” > >Unfortunately for the planet and those who inhabit it, corporate media would rather look the other way, at worst, and offer scary clickbait headlines with few connections to actionable policy at best. > >[…] > >The Wall Street Journal, the favored newspaper of the business crowd, didn’t even bother to cover the report, despite the massive economic implications of an AMOC collapse. It did, however, find room on its front page that day for a story headlined “The Manpri Summer: How Men’s Shorts Got So Long.”

    (Emphasis original.)

  • LA Times Frames School Board Melee as Clash of Protesters, Not Far-Right Attack

    >Some Glendale parents are worried that the LA Times, a major source of information in Southern California, has downplayed the fact that the school district overwhelmingly supports LGBTQ rights in schools, and outside far-right activists have been driving much of the hostility. > >While the Times (6/6/23) did note that the Proud Boys, a violent far-right group, had reportedly been on-hand at the protest, it also lumped activists on each side together, reporting that “hundreds of protesters had swarmed outside the building, some waving American flags and others waving Pride flags.” It suggested that the transphobic activists were motivated by concern for their children, noting that “those who were protesting the board’s LGBTQ+ policies chanted, ‘Leave our kids alone’ while naming each of the five members of the board.”

    (Emphasis original.)

  • Corporate media whitewashes book-banning hate group ‘Moms for Liberty’

    A recent Washington Post analysis of book challenges in the U.S. gave the book-banning draconian hate group Moms for Liberty (M4L) the white-glove treatment.  On May 23, the Post reported that 62% of 2,571 requests to remove books from schools and libraries in 2022 were filed by just 11 peop...

    Corporate media whitewashes book-banning hate group ‘Moms for Liberty’

    >Without a clear exposé of the forces behind M4L, the Post’s analysis reads like a how-to instruction manual for people who may want to follow the group’s methodology. It even includes examples of handwritten complaint cards filed against specific books. > >The article goes so far as to suggest that Jennifer Pippin, a M4L member, may have a valid point in objecting to some LGBTQ+ books because of their sexual content, thus making excuses for her homophobia. If sexual content could be considered a valid reason for removing a book, then shelves of library romance and much of the literary fiction sections would be bare, and the Bible would have to go.

  • Capitalist press use the example of San Francisco to demonize the homeless

    >Homelessness and poverty are the tragic results of unfettered capitalism and raging inequality, whether it’s in rural West Virginia or in San Francisco’s Tenderloin. Drug addiction is a public health crisis that the US healthcare system neglects, like many other ailments. These media pieces aren’t appalled by the conditions that create seas of unhoused people, but are appalled that housed, professional people have to deal with them. The New York Times and CNN are in many ways different from Fox News and the New York Post, but this is where their worldviews meld.

    (Emphasis original.)

  • ‘Apartheid’ designation ignored as neocolonialists massacre children in Gaza (again)

    >The Washington Post (5/12/23) described it as a “face off” when (at that point) 30 Palestinians, including six children, were killed by [neocolonial] airstrikes, along with one [neocolonist] killed by Palestinian rocket fire; a New York Times article (5/11/23) described the conflict as [the necolony] and Islamic Jihad “trad[ing] fire.”  Another New York Times (5/12/23) headline vaguely referred to the attack as “A New Round of Middle East Fighting.” > >CNN (4/12/23) used the classic whitewashing word “clash” in describing the attacks. CNN’s use of the term was even more striking because it appeared in a headline that included the incongruity between 30 dead Palestinians and one dead [neocolonist]. > >Outlets gave several “how we got here” pieces that purported to give context for the current escalation (e.g., New York Times, 5/9/23; Washington Post, 5/13/23). Again, not a single article FAIR reviewed used the term “apartheid” or referenced the recent findings from human rights NGOs to describe the current situation in Palestine.

    (Emphasis original.)

  • Wall Street Journal worries that debt limit fight could jeopardize military contractors’ profits

    >But, given the unlikelihood of outright default, the more concerning scenario for the Journal has to do with budget talks. The piece noted that, as the largest item on the discretionary side of the federal budget—which excludes social programs like Social Security and Medicare, which are funded on an ongoing basis—military spending could soon find itself on the chopping block. And who’s taking the pain? Your friendly old drone supplier: > >>Concerns that military spending could be cut—or, at best delayed—in a debt-ceiling fight have weighed heavily on investor sentiment toward the biggest military contractors. Shares in Lockheed Martin are down this year more than 7%, with General Dynamics and Northrop Grumman off 15% and 20%, respectively. > >Dear God, no! We must take action to address the “‘wall of worry’ among investors”!

    (Emphasis original.)

  • Capitalist press defends the murder of an unarmed, houseless, mentally ill black person

    >Characterizing Penny’s chokehold as a generally harmless maneuver gone wrong is irresponsible. Chokeholds like the one Penny used are designed for combat—not the subway. In 2021, the Justice Department banned the use of chokeholds by federal law enforcement agencies unless lethal force was authorized. In a piece for (5/9/23), Gabriel Murphy, a former Marine who started a petition to prosecute Penny for Neely’s death, explains that these martial arts methods Marines learn in training are “not designed to be non-lethal or safe.”

  • NYT defends its incessant shitposting about transgender people

    >Likewise with the questions of which claims can go unchallenged in the Times’ news section. These are fundamentally subjective, political decisions. But Sulzberger still refuses to recognize the Times as political: > >>In the long run, ignoring societal disagreements or actively suppressing certain facts and viewpoints—even with the best of intentions—turns the press into an overtly political actor.

    No comment.

  • The occupation of Palestine’s real ‘crisis of democracy’ is that it’s not a democracy

    >Can you really describe a country that imposes such a rule on roughly two million people as a “democracy”?

    Anticommunists certainly can!

  • NYT’s Anti-Transgender Bias—by the Numbers

    >The Times’ September piece on gender-affirming surgery devoted several paragraphs to people who came to regret having had the surgery. In reality, such experiences are highly uncommon–it’s far more common for trans people to want surgery and be unable to access it than it is for someone to access it and later regret it. > >A recent systematic review of 27 studies found the prevalence of regret was only 1%; the most recent National Center for Transgender Equality survey (2016) found that more than half of trans people who sought coverage for gender-affirming surgery in the previous year were denied. > >Yet “detransitioners” are held up by the anti-trans movement as a key reason to drastically limit or halt all access to gender-affirming care. Offering them a prominent place in such a piece—and not highlighting any trans people who wanted surgery and were unable to access it—skews readers’ perceptions of the most pressing issues surrounding such care.

    Laser‐focusing on irrelevant specifics is an anticommunist tradition, after all.

  • Projected Collapse of Crucial Antarctic Current Met with Media Silence

    Kind of hard to blame the rapid decay of the Earth on transgender people, so yeah, I can see why antisocialists wouldn’t care about this.

  • Rupert Murdoch Uses Nashville to Stoke Anti-Trans Hate

    >Reducing a crime suspect to their gender identity in a headline is irresponsible journalism—just as identifying a suspect by their race, religion or sexual orientation, which is why you don’t see headlines talking about an “Asian killer,” a “Mormon killer” or a “bisexual killer.” Such shorthand inevitably holds an entire group responsible for the action of an individual, and, in the case of a group that faces widespread prejudice, puts many people in danger. > >[…] > >Murdoch’s Fox News (3/28/23) reported that “a radical transgender group said the transgender Nashville shooter felt ‘no other effective way to be seen’” adding that “the Trans Resistance Network (TRN), a far-left transgender ‘collective,’ released an inflammatory statement” that Hale resorted to violence because Hale had “no other effective way to be seen,” while still saying the action was tragic. (The obscure group appears to have gotten no media coverage at all prior to March 27, according to a search of the Nexis database.)

    Whoa! Antisocialists grossly inflating the importance of a small and obscure voice that they made a concerted effort to find? I’m so surprised!

  • New York Times angry that readers want it to stop shitposting everyday about transgender people

    >He claimed that “any review” of the paper’s coverage “shows that the allegations this group is making are demonstrably false,” without offering any evidence.

  • Media ‘Spy Balloon’ Obsession a Gift to PRC-bashers

    >Even information that could discredit the “spy balloon” theory was used to bolster it.

  • Nobody Stops Police Killings by Calling them ‘Fatal Encounters’

    >That linguistic soft-pedaling and back-stepping language was peppered throughout the piece, describing how police brigades like the “Scorpion” unit these Memphis police were part of are “designed to patrol areas of the city struggling with persistent crime and violence”—just trying to protect Black folks from ourselves, you see—yet they mysteriously “end up oppressing young people and people of color.” Well, that’s a subject for documented reporting, not conjecture.

  • NATO Narratives and Corporate Media Are Leading Us to Doom’s Doorstep

    >[M]ost Americans, especially young people, don’t recognize propaganda, because even when it is exposed at the time, it is not incorporated into the broader narratives of war. Debunked tales have gone down the Orwellian memory hole, and most of the true history of war goes down the same hole. As Bryce Greene pointed out on Counterspin (2/24/22), the roots of the escalations leading up to the war in Ukraine were “completely omitted from the Western media.”

    (Emphasis original.)

  • Maybe Bill Gates’ Billions Don’t Make Him an Expert on Hunger in Africa

    >The open letter notes respectfully that there are “many tangible ongoing proposals and projects that work to boost productivity and food security.” That it is Gates’ “preferred high-tech solutions, including genetic engineering, new breeding technologies, and now digital agriculture, that have in fact consistently failed to reduce hunger or increase food access as promised,” and in some cases actually contribute to the biophysical processes driving the problem. That Africa, despite having the lowest costs of labor and land, is a net exporter is not, as Gates says, a “tragedy,” but a predictable and predicted result of the fact that costs of land and labor are socially and politically produced: “Africa is in fact highly productive; it’s just that the profits are realized elsewhere.”

  • It’s Time to Hold News Media Accountable for Transphobia

    >FAIR has also documented the lack of transgender youth quoted in both centrist and far-right news outlets (, 5/5/22). When the Washington Post (1/29/21, 4/15/21) covered the anti-transgender sports campaign in two 2021 articles, sources that were transgender athletes were outnumbered 11 to 1 and 17 to 3, respectively (, 5/6/21). Right-wing efforts to demonize trans people (as well as others in the LGBTQ community) are that much more effective when the targets are denied the ability to speak for themselves.

    (Emphasis original.)

  • Media Misled on Issues Important to Midterm Voters

    >Apart from the inconsistency in poll results, the notion that national polls can identify the issues that will determine which party will win control of the House is fundamentally flawed. > >The assumption behind the previous analyses is that most voters choose candidates based on the issues. But that is backward for the vast majority of voters. People who identify with a party will overwhelmingly vote for that party, regardless of the issues. > >Both Votecast and the network exit poll, for example, report that only 5% to 6% of party identifiers voted for a candidate not of their own party. > >Pollsters may ask respondents to identify the important issues for them in this election, but the question is irrelevant for most Republicans and Democrats. They will choose among issues suggested by the poll interviewers. But the issues they choose will almost always be the issues that conform to what their party leaders are already stressing.

  • For Corporate Media, Sandinistas’ Electoral Success Proves their Repressiveness

    >Why, one might ask, would the Post be interested in municipal elections in a small Latin American country, if not to support Washington’s attempts to discredit its government?

    I’d be sobbing with jealousy too if I knew that the elections in somebody else’s country actually changed anything.

  • Climate Confusion and Complicity at the New York Times

    >Stephens’ point of view represents a new climate denialism: No longer can any rational person claim that climate change isn’t happening at an accelerated rate due to human causes, or that it’s not causing harm. Instead they argue, like Stephens, that the swift, decisive action scientists say is necessary is “magical thinking,” that genuine existential fear is “alarmist,” that most humans will be able to adapt to climate disaster. > >In a nutshell, the new climate deniers say, “Yes, the climate is changing at an alarming rate, but the solution lies here in the status quo.”

    (Emphasis original.)

  • U.S. Media Searched for Crisis at China Party Congress

    >The article went on to quote Jude Blanchette, a “China expert” at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), who declared, “There is nothing positive or aspirational about zero Covid.” That CSIS would disseminate such a narrative—with the assistance of the reliably hawkish Times—is unsurprising, since the think tank’s chief patrons share a common interest in vilifying China. > > CSIS’s roster of major donors includes military contractors Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin and Boeing, as well as a litany of oil and gas companies—all of whom derive financial benefit from America’s military build-up in the Pacific.

    Probably just an unfortunate coincidence! We know that they’re right in this case because the Chinese government is wrong about almost everything, and it’s wrong about almost everything because it’s the Chinese government. What more evidence could you possibly need‽

  • Media Spreads Call for Violence as Protests Erupt in Ohio Youth Prisons

    Peter Gelderloos looks critically at the media response to the eruption of rebellion in Ohio youth prisons. by Peter Gelderloos On the weekend of the 22nd and 23rd of October, at least two protests broke out at the Indian River youth prison in Massillon, Ohio. In one protest, a guard was struck in t...

    Media Spreads Call for Violence as Protests Erupt in Ohio Youth Prisons

    >In response to the riot, local media responded with systematic spins and manipulations to help spread calls by the guards for more physical violence against the children. Two area papers, the Columbus Dispatch and the Canton Repository, as well as the local TV station, WKYC, referred to the children locked up at Indian River as “inmates,” “criminals,” or at best, “juveniles.” They referred to their cells as “rooms.” They never referred to the prison as a prison, and they refused to interview any of the kids locked up there or any of their friends or family members. They also refused to investigate or describe conditions at the youth prison, and they refused to do any fact-checking on any of the claims coming from guards or the family members of guards, while frequently repeating those claims. > >These claims included the dubious assertion that guards at the facility are not allowed to use physical force, and that the kids were rioting and protesting “for fun.” Media coverage was heavily focused on the family members of guards, humanizing them and also shielding them from legal consequences, as most of their more extreme statements came filtered through spouses who are not state employees. With a perspective firmly and exclusively anchored on the side of the guards, multiple articles repeated claims coming from guards that the children locked up at the facility were not actually children but hardened criminals. > >The purpose of this coverage was clearly to encourage and normalize the use of violence against imprisoned children, and to win more budget money for hiring more prison guards and buying them more weapons. The coverage is also helping to normalize the practice of charging kids as adults, as is now happening with several of the young people who clashed with guards.

  • Washington Post Wants U.S. ‘Beacon’ for Ukraine Refugees—but Not for Haitians

    >The humanization and sympathy the board offers to both Afghans, and especially the Ukrainians that “could be your children,” is never offered to Haitians. Their circumstances are described, sometimes in dire language, but they themselves—their “pluck,” their “children pressed against the windows of a bus or train sobbing or waving goodbye to their fathers and other relatives who remain behind”—remain invisible and, ultimately, unworthy.

  • Capitalist press goes apeshit over a complete stranger’s obscure internet post from 10 months ago Michael Hobbes (@RottenInDenmark)

    An entire right-wing news cycle driven by a single Reddit comment, incredible.

  • My parents say this is obviously fake. My mom has a lot of experience with newborns over her life.

  • NYT Scolds China for Not ‘Learning to Live’—or Die—With Covid

    Clearly, the NYT is filled with big dumb idiots who never considered that the CCP gave them manipulated stats. If they had my superior brain, they’d instantly realize that the toll of 15,000 deaths is government propaganda and that the actual number is 420,000,000.


  • Media Summon Inflation Specter to Oppose Student Debt Forgiveness

    >Economists like Paul Krugman, far from a hero of the left, as well as Mike Konczal and Alí Bustamante of the Roosevelt Institute, pointed out how even CRFB’s estimate shows at most a 0.3% increase in inflation, which wouldn’t “reverse” or even “dent” larger deflationary trends like the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes, or even restarting student debt payments, as Biden intends to do at the start of the new year. Krugman explains that given the “fire-and-brimstone” inflation fearmongering, like the talk of “throwing gasoline on the fire” in the Financial Times (8/25/22), the reader might assume debt relief could cause another “major bout of inflation.” Even according to their own sources, this is far from true.

  • Corporate Media Has Failed to Report Accurately on the Threats to Women’s Reproductive Rights

    >As Project Censored’s monitoring of underreported stories shows, independent media, especially independent feminist outlets such as Ms. Magazine and Rewire News Group, do a much better job of reporting on reproductive health issues than most corporate outlets. If you are looking for a forewarning of the next brazen assault on women rights, and what reproductive rights activists are doing to forestall it, you’d be much better off reading Ms. or other independent news outlets than relying on CNN or The New York Times.

  • Factchecking the Factchecker on Chomsky, Russia and Media Access

    >One of the many chilling effects of the media blackout was that YouTube deleted its entire archive of commentary by the Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Chris Hedges (who formerly worked for the New York Times and NPR) because it was hosted by RT (Democracy Now!, 4/1/22).

    (Emphasis original.)

  • Chile’s Draft Constitution: Undemocratic—or Too Much Democracy?

    >The op-ed also warned that “Chile’s proposed constitution would eliminate the Senate—a more than 200-year-old institution that has historically played a crucial role in balancing political power.” In “the new system, a single chamber would reign,” Kaiser wrote, suggesting that this “does not comply with the minimum standards required by Chile’s democracy.” But as unicameral legislatures are common in many democracies–including 16 members of NATO–this fear seems overblown.

    G‐d, I can already hear the echoes of ‘whataboutism’ just reading this.

  • Why is there more media talk about using nuclear weapons than about banning them?

  • Fox Seeks Allies across the Political Spectrum to Shill for Bolsonaro

  • Washington Post denies that a rapist impregnated a 10-year-old

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