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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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[USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
  • I think this would be different for someone not on parole. So like if you're just speeding and get pulled over I believe they would be violating the law/Constitution if they forced your thumb against your phone.

    But they probably do it anyway so good idea to follow the lock down above in this thread.

    (Also don't use electronics to do crimes y'all.)

  • FAA investigating Southwest flight that came within 400 feet of crashing into the ocean | CNN
  • At least they didn't ignore the terrain alarm.

    I read somewhere but can't find it now about a time where a plane crashed or nearly crashed because the older pilot was sure the "terrain" alarm was a mistake and ignored the directive to pull up. I believe they were flying on instruments (common these days at night or poor visibility).

  • If you didn't have to work, how would you spend your time?
  • If this is a transition from how I live now to never needing to work again, I'm guessing the first 6 months to a year would just be disbelief and slacking. Video games, TV/YouTube, etc.

    I'd probably do more of the things I do with my limited off time: gardening, taking care of family & pets, taekwondo.

    Honestly have no idea what I'd do once I became accustomed to it. Maybe travel? Participate in local politics more? Volunteer? I would definitely have a sense that I needed to do something to make my life "worth it" that I currently get from working to provide for my family.

    It's definitely a result of conditioning, not some fundamental truth of the universe. But nearly 50 years of that conditioning is hard to break overnight.

  • What a time to be alive
  • I read a pretty convincing article title and subheading implying that the best use for so called "AI" would be to replace all corporate CEOs with it.

    I didn't read the article but given how I've seen most CEOs behave it would probably be trivial to automate their behavior. Pursue short term profit boosts with no eye to the long term, cut workers and/or pay and/or benefits at every opportunity, attempt to deny unionization to the employees, tell the board and shareholders that everything is great, tell the employees that everything sucks, ...

  • Showing Contempt for Young Voters Is a Great Way for Democrats to Lose in November
  • There were enough Republicans who voted for Biden in '20 to flip Georgia, which is solidly "mainstream" Republican (e.g. Reagan Republicans).

    The article's analysis of why Hillary lost is correct, and the diagnosis of the failures of Clintonism is also correct. They fail to point out that Clinton "won" '92 because Perot pulled away enough Bush votes in enough states to swing the Electoral College to Clinton, who only got 40% of the popular vote. That "victory" somehow convinced a bunch of Democrats that conservatism without bigotry (or at least less) was the key to electoral success. Clinton got reelected with the power of incumbency and BobDole being a fairly weak candidate. That cemented the conservatism lite in the Democratic Party for a generation, many of whom are still in the party.

    It's changing though. Biden is not a classic conservative Democrat anymore, or at least his team and policies aren't.

    One big thing they need to do is acknowledge that the system is rigged against the non wealthy, and that small-d democracy as it exists today in America is not up to the task of helping the non wealthy. Then they need to propose ways to fix our broken democracy, ask young people for suggestions for how to fix it, and write some binding policy proposals to implement those fixes.

    Because right now Trump and the Republicans are acknowledging that our democracy is failing non wealthy (straight white Christian) people, and the solution they're offering is to do away with it entirely in favor of Hungarian or Russian style authoritarianism.

    The first part of that message will resonate, and the "help us fix democracy" part needs to be the 2nd half. Or Trump probably will get reelected.

  • Donald Trump jury "will convict" in New York trial, legal analyst predicts
  • If Trump had allowed his lawyers to mount the best defense they could, he'd probably have a decent chance at complete acquittal or a hung jury.

    Instead he forced them to perform a "defense" aimed at his base and maybe some people with "soft" dislike of him and most importantly aimed at hurting his "enemies" and puffing up his ego.

    I did hear a persuasive argument that he might be acquitted on the charges related to checks he didn't personally sign (his sons signed instead) but get convicted on the checks he did sign. From what was reported that means it's possible the first 10 verdicts will be "not guilty" and the last 20+ will be "guilty."

    I actually sort of hope that's what happens because 1) it will prove the jury wasn't out to get him and 2) he'll be feeling really good for those first verdicts then get gut punched for the last ones.

  • Dupont is splitting into 3 organizations.
  • I wonder if this is the harbinger of a bunch of companies breaking up after decades of consolidation.

    It would definitely be good to have a big round of breakups to get competition going again. Then we just have to fight against the consolidation that will start up in 20-30 years.

  • Haley says she will vote for Trump over Biden
  • There was a part of me that held out hope that she would at a minimum just not endorse Trump. Seems like she's decided to try to be his VP pick. Probably since Noem the dog slayer became unrealistic.

    Indeed with Haley endorsing Trump now I think all the Trump cosplay idiots who've been showing up to court in Manhattan can hang it up.

  • What are some of the earliest "firsts" that we have a definite date for?

    We only know about when humans mastered fire or started using metal. But we know the exact date when the first powered flight took place. What are some really early "first ____" we know the date of for sure?



    Is Puzzle basically a "better" Yato to have a 5* fast redeploy on levels where you can't bring Specialists?
