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WatTyler WatTyler

English but not in a Brexit way.

Successor account to [email protected].

Posts 4
Comments 89
It's really not a big deal.
  • My bad.

  • It's really not a big deal.
  • No joke, didn't Nero marry a trans woman?

  • Biden: What's happening in Gaza is not genocide
  • This is genuinely the current strategy of the Labour Party and I can assure you it is not fun to watch.

  • Teacher accused of having sex with two students says she ruined her 'dream job' with stupid 'mistakes', jury hears
  • Age of consent is 18 in the United Kingdom, when the older individual has a duty of care for the younger.

  • Seeding re-encoded files?
  • I'm delighted to hear that I'm not alone ๐Ÿ˜…

  • Seeding re-encoded files?
  • My apologies. I can't say I've done this a lot, as I've always been concerned this was the case. I've made the necessary adjustments.

  • McLaren issues statement saying Liberty Media sent Donald Trump into their garage without consulting the team
  • McLaren PR put out some BS about 'respecting the office'. That cunt didn't respect his own office, nor those he swore to serve. He has publicly said and done undeniably reprehensible things. I'm fucking sick of the type of people who feel they're too polite to be political and then are 'dismayed' by the direction society is headed in.

    Zak, if you wanna degrade yourself, do it away from one of Britain's most venerated sporting institutions, for fuck's sake.

  • Is anybody being positive on Lemmy?
  • You look nice today.

  • PSA: Nova Launcher is owned by an analytics company
  • Hi, I've installed KISS after reading this comment and there's one thing I don't understand. Is one supposed to manually select their 'Favourites' or are they populated by KISS with use? I couldn't find an answer to this anywhere else.

  • What is a song that you absolutely despised and now like?
  • Please Do Not Go by Violent Femmes.

  • This is what peak performance looks like
  • Would you have any recommendations for a split board that's perhaps a little larger than the Corne? I can't help but feel it'd be too small for me.

  • Explanation of the political causes of Brexit
  • I never knew this community existed and this was posted here ๐Ÿ˜…

    Thanks for taking the time to read it and for thinking it was worthy of reposting.

  • 2024 Japanese Grand Prix - [POST RACE] discussion thread
  • What's with the air raid siren noises I keep hearing at the circuit?

  • What is the last video game that you were completely hooked on?
  • Have you not seen how big number can be? Number can just get so big. I don't even care that I'm ADHD and I'm playing into all the worst stereotypes about us:


  • Your first distribution
  • I'm fairly sure it was Scientific Linux because that was the distro used in the labs of my first programming course.

  • Greater Manchester man fighting for Vladimir Putin in Ukraine exposed
  • Absolutely. Just a warning that one'll drive themselves mad if they dig into every error produced in any Reach publication with the sheer amount of content they publish so quickly.

  • Greater Manchester man fighting for Vladimir Putin in Ukraine exposed
  • IIRC the Mirror and the MEN are owned by the same company (alongside most other 'local' papers including the Birmingham Mail and the Bristol Post).

  • Greater Manchester man fighting for Vladimir Putin in Ukraine exposed
  • If he was an ethnically Bangladeshi teenage girl, we in the UK could definitely find a way to render him stateless.

  • How long did your stimulant side effects last?

    CW: References to suicide.

    I will try and keep this succinct.

    I was diagnosed with ADHD-C in November 2022 and started on 20mg Elvanse/Vyvanse/Lisdexamfetamine. By Spring 2023 I'd worked my way up to 40mg. Two weeks ago, February 2024, I started on 50mg.

    The 50mg has been a massive help to me. I've been much more productive and felt much more fulfilled. I stopped feeling suicidal. Around a week after upping the dose, I began noticing my heart racing and occasionally feeling tense or hyper-aware of parts of my body. The racing heart in particular is kind of irritating and I'd rather it stop. I've checked my blood pressure and it's healthy.

    I recall similar sensations for maybe around a month after I was first put on Lisdexamfetamine but I am not sure how long they lasted for. I don't recall these sensations when I went from 30mg to 40mg.

    I'm looking for some assurance that if I maintain a healthy lifestyle and check my BP regularly, that this will resolve itself in-time?

    Relevant medical info:

    • Cisgender man
    • Late 20s
    • approx. 90kg/198lb
    • approx. 22% bf

    EDIT: Updated with this morning's BP reading.

    119/79 80bpm

    EDIT 2: I'm going to provide reasoning as to why I haven't gone straight to my doctor about this. Firstly, the dose increase has been life-changing and I'd be so upset if I had to go back down. Secondly, I live in the post-satirical apocalypsescape formerly known as the United Kingdom and am therefore under the care of a private psychiatrist. Just to get on the phone with them would cost ยฃ100s and I'm relying on family assistance, which I feel guilty enough about spending. I could, within a few weeks, arrange to see my general practitioner for free but I don't think they'd be able to suggest anything aside from reducing my meds. Thirdly, I have faint memories discussing palpitations with my psychiatrist last year and he said that as long as I was monitoring my BP they'd pass.

    EDIT 3: I honestly appreciate the concern of all of those who have taken the time to post. I've decided to send a message to my psychiatrist explaining the situation.

    EDIT 2024-03-21: Received an email from my psychiatrist stating that as long as they're manageable and the dosage is helping, I'm safe to continue. They encouraged me to keep monitoring my blood pressure and heart rate. They suggested I be vigilant of chest pains or shortness of breath.


    How does one find a career that won't cause them burnout?

    I've experienced burnout throughout work and education since I was sixteen. Usually around once every 12-18 months. I've accrued a lot of associated trauma.

    For context, burnout for me is extreme depression and executive dysfunction lasting for months at a time to the extent I stop all work and social activities.
