It was stupid with the freedom fries and it's still stupid today
Security Guarantees means putting a NATO (or future equivalent) base at the border with soldiers from all over Europe, anything less than that is not guarantee of fuck all
I doubt that, why would they agree to the cease fire if that was true
Not really, I think the vulnerability is the lack of knowledge of the public.
Binary Options and Forex use fiat and they are the exact same brand of scam.
Crypto is based on the faith that there's other dumbasses out there that will agree with you
And that's the most beautiful thing about crypto that got lost in all the speculation, shitcoin, scams, and nft bullshit. A currency of the people for the people, but of course, when the pigs came into power they were the same as the old farmers.
There is a Capcom driver, I think it's from street fighter, that can be used to escalate privileges in windows computers if you have the permissions to load drivers as a user.
Not true, maybe that was the case with older AI but perplexity deep research will contradict you a lot if what you are saying is not accurate.
Regarding the theme in question this was my prompt: "probability From 1 to 100 that Trump is a "Putin compromised asset" based on public information and taking into account uncertainty; exclude grok analysis because that could introduce bias in your results"
This was the response (abbreviated):
Based on the publicly available information reviewed above, and accounting for the inherent uncertainty in this question, the probability that Donald Trump is a "Putin compromised asset" can be reasonably estimated in the range of 60-70 on a scale of 1-100.
This assessment reflects several key considerations:
The substantial evidence of financial entanglements between Trump and Russian sources creates significant potential leverage.
The consistent pattern of behavior favoring Putin and Russian interests, particularly Trump's reluctance to criticize the Russian leader, suggests an unusual relationship.
Intelligence community assessments that identified the Trump campaign's Russian connections as counterintelligence threats carry substantial weight.
The absence of definitive proof of compromise and the existence of plausible alternative explanations prevent a higher probability assessment.
Yes Police are all slaves that have no option other than obey their masters
I think more than 4% of Americans think reptilians run the world these days
PayPal blocked my account in like 2017 or something, never used it again
I'm just glad the Xenon fad is practically over
I have no interest in learning regex ever in my life, I have better things to dedicate my brain capacity to haha
What is the name of this game, I played it so much as a kid but I always forget the name
Edit: Wacky Wheels, got it though reverse image search
Im fat and I allow it
But Four Roses tho :(