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Levsgetso Levsgetso

I really like it here

Posts 29
Comments 168 Turns One!
  • Happy first birthday to all the users!

    It truly was an eventful year on our little corner of the internet, and I’m so happy I was able to witness it. I truly love our little instance and just wanted to thank the amazing admins and also every member of .zip for being part of this incredible community! ❤️

  •'s 1st Birthday Giveaway! (Winners have been drawn!)
  • Happy birthday everyone!

  • Bulgaria and Romania join the Schengen area
  • It should have never happened. Gradual Schengen entry like this is for new members, not countries who have been meeting the criteria for 12 years.

    The fact that countries like Austria can block others’ accession on blatant lies is beyond messed up.

    Meanwhile, the Kilometers-long lines of trucks are still at the border, sometimes spending days there. The only things that changed are the two minutes you save at the airport and the politicians bragging how they “got us in Schengen”.

    That was a shameful decision and a disgrace. The EU needs major reforms so countries like this can’t abuse their power or try to blackmail others, using Schengen.

  • Bulgaria and Romania join the Schengen area
  • Nope, this “membership” is only for air and water travel. There are still border checks on land. A great victory, as the politicians said, indeed.

  • Cherven fortress - Bulgaria
  • Yes. And some things I forgot to mention about the tower:

    Baldwin’s tower, in Tsarevets, Veliko Turnovo, was restored by model of this tower.

    And, apparently, the tower appeared in S5E10 of Game of thrones. source (in bulgarian)

  • Cherven fortress - Bulgaria
  • Here’s the fortress’ plan.

    Cherven fortress, by Vasil Goranov

  • Cherven fortress - Bulgaria

    The fortress was built in the place of a Byzantine fortress from the sixth century. It served as an important centre during the Second Bulgarian empire, second only to the capital of Turnovo. It minted coins and in 1235 it became the seat of the Bishopric of Cherven.

    The fortress was burned by the invading ottomans in 1388, with most people fleeing to what is today Ruse.

    There is also a 3D reconstruction of the town during the 14th century

    Cherven’s wiki

    What names are you all rocking?
  • Went with Dream of Dawn

  • Discord to Start Showing Ads for Gamers to Boost Revenue
  • The site has all current clients so I’d recommend checking it. As for me, I use Element X. It’s not bad, the only annoying thing is that it’s always asking me to turn on chat backup but when I do it encounters an error. But besides this, it’s alright, it does everything I need it to do.

  • Discord to Start Showing Ads for Gamers to Boost Revenue
  • The most popular such alternative is Matrix.

  • What are you playing this week? March 25 2024 Edition
  • I decided to finally pick up Helldivers and I couldn’t be happier with it. The missions are entertaining and the community is great! The game is just… fun! There are still some bugs, like when I got stuck in the door of the extraction ship and died to a fire tornado lol, but those are rare, most times being just visual.

  • [Meta] Should we create a [email protected] community, dedicated to Reddit?
  • I don’t feel like it’s necessary. The technology community is more than enough for Reddit and everything also related to technology, making a separate comm just for Reddit feels a little excessive. As for blocking, most apps have keyword blocks so people can already view the community without the Reddit-related stuff.

  • So, Memmy is broke abandonware now, huh?
  • Everyone is saying Voyager and Arctic, and rightfully so, they are amazing apps. But I just wanted to say Mlem has also become really great.

  • The ruined castle of Castelbouc, above the tiny village of the same name and the river Tarn (Lozère, France)
  • That’s amazing! I imagine how grand it must have looked when it was still standing.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I haven’t gone fishing in a long time but from my experience it’s really peaceful. As another commenter said, kind of like meditation. Also, catching the fish feels really rewarding.

    Most people just love the thrill and some crank it to 11. Once we went fishing with my grandfather and his friends, in a regular small boat. With us was a guy they had met there last year, who had bought a pretty expensive boat just for fishing, not to talk about all the other equipment he had.

    It’s a passion for a lot of people.

  • Apple might be supporting RCS on the iPhone to comply with Chinese regulation
  • Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn’t know about that, interesting.

  • Apple might be supporting RCS on the iPhone to comply with Chinese regulation
  • Airdrop for everyone being limited to ten minutes

  • illusion of rule
  • Frankly, it’s just way too big, which can make performance bad, makes it a target for attacks and due to the huge user base it’s harder to upgrade. That’s why .world is still on 0.18.5 while most of lemmy is at 0.19.3.

    Also, from what I’ve seen the admins can get a bit powertrippy.

  • Arctic is live on the AppStore
  • You’ve made an amazing app, you deserve it ❤️

  • Arctic is live on the AppStore
  • Congratulations! One of the best lemmy apps out there, so excited it’s finally on the App Store!

  • Time Shelter - a (badly written) Review-Spoilers

    As @[email protected] requested, here's a review of Time Shelter. I apologize in advance for what you are going to read.

    As this was my first work by Gospodinov i didn't know what to expect but i really enjoyed it!

    I want to start with Gaustine, and precisely, his name. From Garibaldi and Augustine, a revolutionary and a philosopher (with interesting beliefs about time). That basically sums up what Gaustine is - a revolutionary for that world, someone who unifies others with their past, just as Garibaldi helped unify Italy. But does unity with your past free you from the constraints of the future? It's a question posed frequently by the book. For many the the certainty of the future that has happened brings them comfort, but the mistakes still lie in that future. He truly feels like somebody outside of time, even down to the way he speaks, a wanderer in time. For the most of the story he still was that young mysterious young man we met all the way back in that seminar, at least, until that "i don't know".

    I must say that I definitely enjoyed the first part of the book more, I enjoyed the human aspect of it. Who are we without our past? What binds us to it? All those questions, all those characters' stories, even when most of them were so tragic. While I liked the philosophical aspect more, I still found enjoyment in the "social commentary" if I could call it that. As a Bulgarian it absolutely hit close to home, actually a lot of the book did. At the beginning of the book, when he talks about life under communism, about that room. It was so familiar, while I wasn't alive in those years it was just like talking to my father. The little toy cars, the strange foreign triangular candy... the famed truck driver who brought all of that home, like the one my grandfather was. Got bit carried away (lol) but the whole Referendum and everything before and after really felt realistic.

    I also really loved G.(G.)'s character, a writer who can't remember his story, his time left falling out of his pockets. From the person who helps these people to someone who becomes one of them, being sent more and more back. From a few words, to a notebook of them, to phrases, names and after all that is left is that rose. Really loved how trough the story the line between G. and G.G. gets blurrier and blurrier. Gaustine didn't disappear without a trace as the main character states, he was always there, he never left. Also I actually liked how meta the book was at times and even funny while at it.

    I've seen some criticisms that the book doesn't have a climax, but to be honest it doesn't need one. It laid out everything it set to tell and told it. From the promises of a better past to repeating those old mistakes again. But it shows what we, as humans miss, those days when we were happy and young, a shelter... After all everybody yearns for their own time shelter.

    Thanks for reading trough this if you did, it really was fun writing it and made me think more deeply of what I read and dive deeper into it's meaning.

    TL;DR Nice book

    3 ЕС реши: България влиза в Шенген по въздух и море от края на март 2024-а -

    Над 193 000 нелегални мигранти спрели българските власти по пътя им към Европа. Преминаването им през страната е основна пречка пред приемането на България в Шенген.

    ЕС реши: България влиза в Шенген по въздух и море от края на март 2024-а -

    Честито на всички за „голямата победа”


    Baba Vida - Vidin, Bulgaria

    The construction of the castle began in the 10th century at the place of the Ancient Roman castell Bononia. The building of Baba Vida is tied to a legend, according to which a Danubian Bulgarian king who ruled at Vidin had three daughters: Vida, Kula and Gamza. Prior to his death, he divided his realm among the three. Vida, the eldest, was given Vidin and the lands north to the Carpathians, Kula was awarded Zaječar and the Timok Valley, and Gamza was to rule the lands west up to the Morava. Although Gamza and Kula married to drunkard and warlike nobles, Vida remained unmarried and built the castle in her city. The name of the castle means "Granny Vida".

    Due to wars and castles being torn down as to prevent rebellions or just for the materials during ottoman times Baba Vida remains the only fully intact castle in Bulgaria.

    Baba Vida’s wiki

    And Vidin’s

    3 Parliament in the Netherlands votes in favour of Bulgaria’s admission to Schengen – report

    Parliament in the Netherlands has voted in favour of Bulgaria being admitted to the Schengen visa zone, Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) said on December 22, a week after the Dutch government recomme…

    Parliament in the Netherlands votes in favour of Bulgaria’s admission to Schengen – report

    Parliament in the Netherlands has voted in favour of Bulgaria being admitted to the Schengen visa zone, Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) said on December 22, a week after the Dutch government recommended the move.

    A proposal tabled by the New Sociaal Contract group to endorse the stance previously announced by Austria, to admit only Bulgaria’s airports for now and its land and sea borders at some point later, failed to win the required number of votes – 76 – to be approved, though the vote was 59 in favour and 49 against.


    Will we get the new sorting methods?

    With most instances updated to 19.0 and Avelon supporting it, when will we be able to use the new Scaled and Controversial sorting methods?

    2Balkans4u Levsgetso

    Common bulgar W 😤🇧🇬💪🏹🏹🐴


    Can’t add new guest instance

    When trying to add a new guest instance it opens the window to type it and it quickly disappears.

    On a side note, what’s going on with the development? It’s the longest we’ve had without a new update and (at least for me) Avelon has become a little laggy, not to mention 0.19 is just a few days away.

    Hope everything is okay with evgiz.


    Tsarevets fortress, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria

    It served as the primary stronghold in the capital of the Second Bulgarian empire. It’s situated on the Yantra river, on a hill of the same name, across it is the other main hill in the medieval city - Trapezitsa.

    It was conquered on 17 July 1393 by the ottomans after a three month siege, during which the tsar was at Nikopol, leaving the Bulgarian patriarch to defend the city.

    On 22 September 1908, at the foot of Tsarevets, in the Holy Forty martyrs church, tsar Ferdinand declares Bulgaria’s independence from the Ottoman Empire.

    Here’s a great guide for Tsarevets



    The painting is made by Vasil Goranov, one of my favourite painters. his website, if you want to check out more of his paintings

    The painting depicts Tsarevest, the capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire


    Jump Button doesn’t work after opening user profile

    Opening a user’s profile in the comment section causes the jump button to stop working. There’s no problem if you’re at the top of a comment tree, and the only way to fix is to scroll up. It’s a pretty minor bug I thought I should point it out.


    Videos to stop playing after scrolling past them

    Currently videos don’t stop playing after you scroll and if they have sound you have to go back and turn it off


    Здравейте, драги сънародници! Как мина денят ви?

    (Никой няма да отговори)


    Set community group sorting

    Basically the title. Currently groups’ sorting is set to active by default. It would be nice to be able to set a default sorting when you create a group.

    Other than that I’m really loving the update!

    FediLore + Fedidrama Levsgetso has shut down

    When trying to open the site it reads the message: “Hey, I apologize but for the time being this instance must go down. I cannot deal with two instances at once during the ongoing issues with lemmy and people spamming illegal content into the federation. I don't know when or if this instance will be back, but I will try my best to bring it back up when I can. For continued info, please go to, I love and appreciate you <3”


    Ghost of Tsushima - PS5


    0 Австрия продължава да е против разширяването на Шенген

    Австрийският министър на вътрешните работи Герхард Карнер заяви на съвместна пресконференция с румънския си колега Каталин Предою във Виена, че Австрия се противопоставя на разширяването на Шенген, съобщава телевизия Диджи 24. Предою се срещна с австрийския си колега, за да обсъди противопоставянето...

    Австрия продължава да е против разширяването на Шенген

    "Нашата позиция е, че Шенгенската система като цяло не функционира, затова не сме отворени към разширяването й”

    Лицемерие?-Неее, нама такова нещо


    Bug: GIFs stop music

    I listen to quite a lot of music and often browse lemmy while listening. I noticed that if you go over a gif it pauses your music, even though there’s no sound.

    Other than that I really like using Avelon, it’s definitely the best app out there!


    Staro Zhelezare: The small Bulgarian town transformed into a hub for political street art Visit the small Bulgarian town where politics meets pop culture

    Inhabited by around 400 residents, Staro Zhelezare has undergone an enchanting transformation - where modest homes, once cloaked in silence, now stand adorned with an eclectic array of famous faces.

    Visit the small Bulgarian town where politics meets pop culture

    What does fedddit mean?

    It’s used on so many country instances and I’ve started to wonder.
