Very curious what fur that is. I can't think of an animal that is orange at the tips but has a black under coat. Looks to big to be fox, but feel like that's red/white.
I'm sorry to report that I've down voted you, as I think this is a popular opinion. But I 100% agree with you. If you don't want outside voices, don't allow outsiders in.
I am curious what region you're from. I would guess it's outside of the US, but perhaps there's an area that differs from the norm I've experienced.
If you are indeed outside the US, I'm guessing it's the American tradition of engagement rings, without the tradition of continuing to wear the engagement rings. That truly would be a (bigger) waste of money.
Oh boy, another person thinking a lurch towards fascism will help get progressive policies get passed in congress. Or maybe they think fascists having control of the biggest intelligence services in the world will help the leftists thrive? Surely leftists will be just fine if the far right gets all the levers of power in government.
Wait, do you know women that stop wearing their engagement ring after they're married? Every married woman I've met (that doesn't have a hands based labor job) wears the engagement and wedding ring. All the women in my family have them soldered together some time after, so they don't independently spin on the finger.
Handy guide, but this whole USB situation is a cock-up, since it needs the freakin guide in the first place.
Such a beautiful place to execute one of humanity's ugliest actions.
You're not psychic, I'm afraid. It is impossible for you to know what anyone is thinking. Using what is 'in their eyes' to determine complex thought is absurd.
I think there's different personalities involved here. The other thing that I'm personally curious about, did you play the sim and then think, "I should get this gear" or did you get the gear before ever playing it?
I think what's mostly the target of ire is people that have the mindset of having to buy their way to the top. Or trying to make up for lack of skill not by continuing to try the sport/event/game out, but getting the best of everything trying to avoid ever looking 'not good' at it despite it being obvious to everyone play that they've not done this thing before.
And not everyone is like this obv, but a lot of these people don't want to put in the effort to get better, just want to buy their way to the top. Somewhat related are the poor folks that put in huge amounts of time trying to get better but can't afford good gear. And then someone shows up with the top notch stuff, plays once and never uses the stuff again. Obviously it's their money, but is a shit feeling when you're cash strapped to see good gear rot.
We didn't domesticate cats, as it turns out. They domesticated themselves, or so I've read. Something about the rats eating our grain and the cats coming around to eats the rodents and then getting comfortable being around us humans.
There's people that will disagree with me that Israel as a nation has a right to exist, but only Zionists will say Israel gets to do whatever they want inside their own borders, and no one has the right to tell them that apartheid is wrong.
Is it just bad perspective, or does the top of the chair have a slope? It runs counter to the other lines in the photo, and it makes me wonder who made that chair. How do you mess up the level back? And why is it so tall anyway, is it supposed to be a throne?
How is the dad not facing obstruction charges?
This has nothing to do with the US access to the minerals. A democratic government can do business with whomever they want, even if it continues to be China. Maduro doesn't want to let go of power. The people of Venezuela deserve to have their votes counted, and their opinions heard.
It's true guys, when he grew up, Democrats were the ones with the KKK in the group. Due to the south being pissed about Republicans ending their tantrum. Now all those racists have moved to the R side, and allowed the dems to push for social progress.
I seem to have some vague recollection of women saying they didn't want to run into a strange man at all? Maybe they'd even prefer it be a bear? I don't know, my memory is so bad these days.
This is amusing, as while watching Clarkson's Farm, I find myself constantly yelling at the TV that he's being dumb. But seems like every time he is interacting(in person) with someone he doesn't know intimately he is extremely kind and deferential. With the exception being people that are antagonizing him in some way, even if they're not being malicious about it.
I'm a fairly center left, but if this were real would make me think "eat the rich" is the only way forward.
Though if it is real, I hope the lady gets a lawyer, so she can win the house in the eventual settlement.