All true, just want to add to it.
You can bring the mace anyway, just in case, as long as you don't mind carrying it. One other major benefit is that the things could be dirt cheap because you don't need good quality metal.
But if you want to hit people, and have a money and time for training, go for an axe. Pretty much all the advantages of a mace, but can cut on top (and usually poke too).
The other part of the equation is not getting killed, and usually the guys in heavy armor are good at killing you. Getting in striking range for a medium range weapon like a mace/axe/sword is damn dangerous, so a slower weapon like a mace or axe that's additionally bad at defending because of a more distant point of balance means a much increased risk to your life. So if it's one on one, you should really think twice about trying to getting that lucky strike in.
I got inconsistent blocking because of copyright.
There's more to Palestine than Gaza, so while your 3rd sentence is very much true and more central to the issue at hand, the first one is quite incorrect and might lead people to forget about Abbas/Fatah.
Not exclusively, no. It usually means the US, but it's far from exclusive. Especially when it comes to species names, the assumption is absurd.
He was Prince of Wales (because he was heir apparent), that's not the same as being Welsh.
The utility is sufficiently explained by the fact that diligently denying things creates the impression that not denying things means that it's true.
It's a regular thing in Germany.
Our apprenticeships are a lot cheaper though, below minimum wage, so it's easier for the employer to set aside time for training that doesn't earn money.
Deutschland spielt inzwischen dank der letzten Anpassungen an der Weltspitze mit, was das angeht.
Im Sinne von Cyberpunk macht halt irgendwann die Psyche Dinge.
Strictly speaking, information technology encompasses software dev as a subfield. Practically, a large software development at a company has very different needs and strategic goals than what people usually understand as the "IT guys" so what you mentioned. So they are set up accordingly in an organisation.
I always place my carry-on under the seat in front, so it would feel absurd to pay for the limited overhead space.
Dalle 3 macht auch gute Hände im Allgemeinen.
Gibt's erst seit gestern für alle, sehe es aber als das aktuell beste Modell und auf Bing ist es kostenlos.
As I understand it, he was fined exactly the amount he earned over 3 years of a job where he was using a VPN.
It's faster than swimming.
Being able to criminally persecute someone requires knowing their identity. If this is the only approach, the real need to prevent anonymous internet usage will increase.
The smell lingers rather well. It doesn't need to be refreshed that often.
The majority of playgrounds in Germany have rules restricting them to children (usually below 14 years of age). Violations can be punished with a fine.
Es sind noch nicht Mal immer Arschlöcher.
Ich kenne einige, die opfern sich geradezu für die Gemeinschaft auf und haben netto einen deutlich positiven Effekt.
Aber beim Verkehr ist ein Knoten im Kopf.
Bei mir gab's einmal Lärm vom System und Meldung von Nina um Punkt 11.
Sirenen im Hintergrund teilweise Minuten verspätet, aber aktiv.
Im gesamten Büro war die Abdeckung aber nur etwa 75%.
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