Agreed. I went to work over a short period of the lockdowns and also stayed at home, both times were crappy. Generally speaking, I'm not against the lockdowns or the idea of quarantine, however I would argue that although it may have been the best approach for society at large, it certainly made my mental health much worse in a lot of ways, it really opened up the door for my schizoid independent personality and logic overriding paranoia
It's almost funny, for me it was really the opposite. Not because i had time to learn new small things, but because i was alone. I had time to get my mind straight, started working out every day and was at peace of mind when going to sleep.
I really tried, but I'm a fucking loner and it feels good to be alone most of the time and just interact with other humans on occasion.
Now I'm again in the office and don't really have time left, in one day's timespan, to get my head straight, after 12 hours of non-stop close human interactions. It's really exhausting.
I love not being alone, but in smaller doses, than being alone.
Yeah I definitely understand that, especially if you don't get a break from people. Though when I was in lockdown and work from home, I realized those work interactions were pretty much keeping me sane, otherwise I could go days in a row without actually talking out loud. It got to the point where my highlight of the week was leaving the house to go to the grocery store lol. It sounds pretty different for you though, and sounds exhausting on your end. I hope you find more or a balance that'll keep you more sane and comfortable.
With the "grocery store is a weekly highlight" thing, i may also completely share the same sentiment. I also had exactly this in mind, when it was happening. Like it was the only time, where i got ready to go out, went out and met people, for quite a long time.
Being outside was so eerie. That's where i felt the complete halt of society and always felt like "the last man on earth", walking the streets, especially at night.
I sincerely appreciate your sentiment and i actually found balance - even with being back in the office now, i kept working out and to my surprise, it was really life changing, in many ways, it helped me to take on things with a different attitude. I really was ignorant to the real impact on life-quality, a somehow healthy, fit body can have.
The saying goes, healthy body = healthy mind. I think it's not that easy, but definitely a step in the right direction.