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Some positivity for your day!

Things have gotten better and progress has been made from times past, it just seems worse now because we have more access to information. We've come far, and have further to go!


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    I did. It's state propaganda.
    By that definition france lifted millions of people out of poverty.

    • LOL!

      "Elsewhere in the region, Vietnam has also seen a dramatic fall in extreme poverty rates over a similar period. Another large country, India, had 22% of its population living below the international poverty line in 2011 (the most recent data available). Brazil has 4.4% of its people earning less than $1.90 a day."

      How many people has the US lifted out of poverty? How many people has Britain lifted out of poverty? How many has any state in the EU lifted out of poverty? And france isn't even mentioned in the article. Vietnam is btw. socialistic.

      • The US didnt have to lift X people out of poverty because it never had this problem in the first place. The US didnt let millions die in famines. There is also no other country boasting about how many people they got to a survivable state since 1980.

        How well is your understanding of english? We already discussed what you think is a counterargument before you came up with it.

        The fact that you dont understand why i chose france shows that your understanding of these arguments and the underlying reasons are too high for you.

        Let me rephrase it for a 5 year old.
        France had royalty and many rich people but also many many poor people. Those lived under poverty. They then killed the royalty and reshaped france. Now france is better and those people were not in poverty anymore. Does this make sense to you?

        • The US didnt have to lift X people out of poverty because it never had this problem in the first place


          • I am asking again. Do you understand english enough to follow what we are saying?
            Because you just linked a statistic on poverty. A statistic that as you can see started at 25 (in a time where this data wasnt even tracked) and ended at 12.
            Your heartwarming story about china and its 0.7 Percent is; let me bold this so you see the difference; extreme poverty. And again. Chinas poverty is directly in relation to policies made by the chinese ruling party.
            Chona started at 98% and is still on a modest 14+

            Great Britain in 2020 had a poverty rate (5.50 per day) of 0.7 percent.
            China has 20 times that. Just editing that in here because later you compared britain to china.

            I am asking again if you understand what i am writing. Because you made it very clear up to this point thst you do not understand.

            • I don't know if you remember the meme... but it's about extreme poverty and extreme poverty declines, because China does a huge job in this field. This is a fact. And you said that poverty is not a problem in the USA. You're always saying, that you can't compare those numbers, because you have to measure them differently, but it's also fact, that poverty were rising in the US, while it was declining in China. If the west would do such an excellent job in fighting against poverty, we would all knew it and there wouldn't be a need to mention China. Also if you're comparing it worldwide China is still leading, while in the West poverty rises. Google risk of poverty in europe, the last few years were horrific. And you also have to mention, that if the west can do everything good, the west can also fight against poverty. But here we are and we are seeing nothing. I don't know if you understand the problem or if you are just against China.

              • What? English please. Here's an article. This one explains why this oh so huge achievement has not been made in other countries. To save everyone some time: Because no other country had this problem.

                If you wanna bring up a "risk of poverty" then please also provide some statistics on why this is relevant.
                The CCP doesn't even have a statistic on this.


                • I am speaking english. What is your fucking problem? What are you talking about? Others countries don't have such problems? Ok, bro... There are no poor people in the west. It's a myth. I have understood.

                  The conclusion approves my statements. I don't know what you wanna say. Can you please speak english?

                  • Yes. No other country had hundreds of millions of people in extreme poverty.

                    • So you're saying other states have it easier to solve their own problems? Thx.

                      • 😂 Is it states or countries now? Yes. Other countries have not caused hundreds of millions of people to be in extreme poverty.
                        Other countries also do not have:
                        动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle.
                        大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
                        文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
                        新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region