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Buy it for life: Durable, Quality, Practical FfaerieOxide

So... Reddit.....

... didn't buy that for life, did ya? 😐


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  • @FfaerieOxide

    I bought it for Its lifespan no for My lifespan.

    And now it's dead. So, on tp other things.

    • Yeah, but don't you buy everything for its lifetime though?
      Like, by definition.

      • @FfaerieOxide

        Well yeah thats the literal meaning of what i said. But whether it functions for 100 years or just a few minutes, it's literally its lifetime.

        What I understood about OPs question though is if I bought reddit's bullshit for my lifetime. As in, I'm willing to stick by them till the day I croak, which I definitely did not.

        • But whether it functions for 100 years or just a few minutes, it's literally its lifetime.

          And I was pointing out that since very little is bought to be used for longer than it can be used for, to say Reddit was bought "for its lifetime" (while true) is a truism, and not in keeping with what I understand to be the spirit of this magazine.

          I was pointing out the irony in r/BuyItForLife not being a case where you m/BuyItForLife itself.

          • @FfaerieOxide

            If understand you correctly, it would be better for the magazine to be named "buy it until it's replaced "

            Or that there's irony in r/BuyItForLife not living up to it's name.

            My apologies if I got this wrong since I am not a native English speaker and also know very little of logical fallacies. Or theories in general.

            • I am not sure if there is irony intended in either the name of the original subreddit nor in the name of this magazine.

              I did intend heavy irony when making this particular article. The original post was a joke.