I'm at the point where I actually don't want to reinstall anymore, because it's a pain in the ass. I'm still on Ubuntu 20.04, even though the new LTS version has been out for more than a year by now. Ubuntu's current direction doesn't exactly give me an incentive to update, either, but to actually rectify that situation I'd need to reinstall as well.
I switched to Debian with KDE after using Pop!_OS (sp?) for a while. Felt more at home with KDE than Gnome/Cosmic as a long time Windows user, and frankly their distro name annoys me. Really happy with Debian 12 so far!
Backup all your config files, reinstall OS, restore config files. Done. When I do it, the whole process takes a half hour tops. Let me know if you need help with that.
I've reinstalled OSs before, there's generally a lot more to it to get it running like before. For starters, half the config files don't work properly on the new OS because the application versions are different, unless you're just switching between Ubuntu flavors.
I switched from Fedora to Arch, restored my config for i3wm, polybar, firefox, brave, picom, ranger, vifm, and a whole bunch other apps, no issues with version compatibilities. Which apps did you have problems with?