I invite you to review users post history when deciding on voting.
This thread will be open for 72 hours (until Friday June 23rd, 8PM ET) at which point voting will stop. Any votes after this time will not be counted. I will try to lock this thread after that time so people do not accidentally continue voting.
Everyone gets 1 vote, including the users being considered. The top 3 will be given mod powers of this community to help with organization of discussions and votes.
Please vote by calling the persons name. For example, if I you wanted to vote for TheDude you would reply with: TheDude
TheDude didn't nominate anyone, these are the names that threw their hats in the ring. If anything, our admin is taking a hands off approach and letting the community decide.
I don't care about your post history, that's fine, freedom and all that. I just don't want you to be a moderator and you shouldn't have applied to be a moderator.