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Help regarding Archon hunts

Hello Tenno!

I just got Mr 17 and unlocked Archon Hunts, but it is so hard for me that I got unmotivated and honestly have no idea what I should do next. As soon as I found a favorite gun (that would be Fulmin), I spent some plat to make a good build for it and after 7 forma I honestly was really happy with the result, it was helping me through a lot of content (except Profit Taker) and I was really enjoying it... Until I reached Archon hunts. The mobs in Archon hunts barely take damage from my Fulmin and also do a lot of damage to my frames to the point that right now is impossible for me to solo it, and I don't like being carried every week because it feels like I'm leeching. So please help me what should I do next? I'm on my way to unlock Steel Path but I got my ass kicked so hard I'm not even confident enough to tackle SP without being carried again.


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  • Warframe progression is a bit of a mess in my opinion, and really could use content gates to block off certain sections of the game until some minimum amount of progression is made before moving on.

    *Make sure you are modding your weapons for the correct damage type. Archons are weakest to Radiation.

    It seems like you don't even have access to Arbitrations yet which give you access to certain mods that make significant changes to how much damage your weapons can do as well as mods that help with your warframe's survivability. From Arbitrations, your priority would be to farm Adaptation for survivability or farm Vitus Essence to buy Rolling Guard (if you prefer Shield Gating, I personally don't find it a fun way to play but everyone is different) from the Arbitration Shop. (NPC can be found at the entrance of the Arbiters of Hexis area of a relay). The Mods you need to farm Vitus Essence for would be Galvanized Chamber (split chamber may be slightly better for certain bosses like Eidolons) and Galvanized Shot which is the mod that will give you the largest increase in damage if you're able to inflict some status effects on enemies. Just remember to prioritize your preferred weapon's equivalents, Galvanized Mods are broken up into Rifle, Shotgun, and Pistol, don't waste Essence on the Shotgun mods if you do not plan on using a Shotgun. Mods like Galvanized Scope/crosshairs I would rate as very low priority.

    Next you can try either some Steel Path content with the Daily Incursions, or work on finding a weapon that is suitable for fighting lvl 150 enemies. I would recommend a Kuva Hek for this because Archons because of how strong it is and how it interacts with Damage Attenuation. Many hits in one shot are better than one large hit from a sniper. Also avoid using the Perigale for bosses if you are a client. Although its gimmick looks like it would be great for bosses, it does not function correctly if you are playing as a client and will run out of ammo extremely fast.

    For a good general purpose frame, Wisp kind of a "jack of all trades" frame. Health and Haste motes are great for support, and Breach Surge if you need some crowd control and some extra damage. Shock motes are not always the best, and may even be a hinderance in Defense missions, or to Harrows trying to get their buffs. Unless I see an objective taking significant amounts of damage (or if I need a little more survivability) I tend to avoid placing down shock motes. Wisp Prime is coming out soon, you're better off waiting for her release and farming her then, than you are building a base Wisp from scratch. (You can ignore the Arcanes I have on my Wisp build, energize is nice but not mandatory for anything, and Pistoleer is entirely useless for Archons)

    Other notable weapons would be the Felarx and Laetum from the Zaramin.

    Usually the most dangerous things in an Archon fight are the enemies, not the boss; especially the Sentients when they start doing their "disco ball" attack. If you can't kill them quickly find something to block Line of Sight between you and the attack until its finished.