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Learning Async Rust With Entirely Too Many Web Servers Learning Async Rust With Entirely Too Many Web Servers

Async Rust is a whole new world of programming. Let's try to understand it by working our way through a series of web servers, learning the details of concurrency and I/O along the way.

Learning Async Rust With Entirely Too Many Web Servers
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Learning async Rust with entirely too many web servers

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Learning Async Rust with Too Many Web Servers

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  • I went in, and show exactly ... what I expected to see.

    I vertical scrolling bar much smaller than my own pointer.

    Why, would you even suggest Rust for web development unless it's necessary? It wasn't made for that.

    Use Go, or Node. Why Rust? When just to build a proto server and an http server at the same time you need to debug for hours first just to see that it still doesn't work. And then you have to find out how to make the Diesel work. Another big giant to learn. And then find out how to make Elasticsearch, Cassandra, or any other thing to work with Rust. Like ... it's a whole disaster if you're going to web develop with Rust. Do you know how much my time is worth for the company? Why would the company want to spend my time that it rents, on developing web tools on Rust when just to have async and "too many servers" you have to read blogposts like this one and develop for hours just to make something simple work -unless necessary- ?

    With blogposts like these it really feels more and more that Rust's community found a solution, and once they have the hammer, everything is a nail to them. Rust is a tool. A fucking nice tool. But it wasn't made for that.

    Use the tool for the job, not the job for the tool.