When people say “debuggers are useless and using logging and unit-tests is much better,” I suspect many of them think that debuggers can only put breakpoints on certain lines, step-step-step through the code, and check variable values. While any reasonable debugger can indeed do all of that, it’s on...
Are there seriously professionals out there who think debuggers are useless? That is utterly baffling to me. Logging and tests are useful, but if something unexpected happens, the debugger is absolutely the first tool I'm reaching for unless I'm dealing with remote code (e.g. on a server) or some other scenario where using a debugger is a pain.
No kidding! I don't think I've been without some kind of debugger since I was still just dicking around as a hobbyist. I can't even really guess, because it seems like forever. I know I didn't have access to a debugger on the VIC-20, but just when I first used one I can't say.