Are there any Reddit refugees spending more time on Lemmy than Reddit?
I am theoretically switching over from Reddit to Lemmy. Finding myself spending more time on Lemmy than on Reddit. Maybe it's because I am limited to using the desktop and can't aimlessly browse Reddit on my iPhone. Of late, the only subreddits I cared for were on sports and their matchday threads and r/watches. I found myself aimlessly browsing through r/AskReddit and asking and answering pointless questions.
Currently full time lurking on Lemmy. I have only used Reddit when there is absolutely no analogue for my issue (in this case, used fightsticks for FGC titles)
Memmy is incredible. The Devs have been pushing out updates almost daily, and I love the look and feel of the upcoming UI they're pushing out. Theres an intense amount of activity in the discord.