Cult MTL: …we remind you Canada’s mainstream media still chooses not to fact-check Pierre Poilievre. Poilievre has benefitted immensely from legacy media’s inability to challenge conservative bullies
As the Conservatives blow a 30-point lead in the polls, we remind you that Canada’s mainstream media still chooses not to fact-check Pierre Poilievre.
“Poilievre has benefitted immensely from legacy media’s inability to challenge conservative bullies.”
I really hope the Liberals and other parties bring up how PP still won't get security clearance. How are we supposed to trust someone to govern us and claim to protect our sovereignty against the US and others, but they refuse to get clearance?
Exactly. I just don't know why more conservatives who say they are all about Canadian sovereignty and security, still don't care that PP still refuses to get clearance.
Yeah, I remember that. They said they were doing it because they were patriots and speaking up for all of Canada (complete bs). But now there's an actual threat, and we don't hear from them.
The same people that did all that to protest wearing masks, are some of the same people who stood outside an immigration centre in Alberta with signs saying that immigrants were not welcome and should go home. Ironically, this time, those 'patriots' WERE wearing masks. But why? Why not own it if they're not afraid to let everyone know how they feel?