Some have suggested that the Deep State is already seeking to undermine Trump’s second presidency by plotting a civil war or scheming ways to prevent him from entering the White House
Because they are, and this is the really important part, FUCKING IDIOTS WHO SAY DUMB SHIT.
This is the shit that gets me upset. Back in the early 90s there was this group online, had an IRC chat room and everything, that would wax prophetic about pyramids, exotic matter, the Kennedy's, and the Pentagon. NO ONE FUCKING WROTE ARTICLES ABOUT THEIR DUMB ASSES. Because they were idiots.
"Some have suggested" WHO?! Name and shame or shut the fuck up about it. Articles like this just fucking make idiots look bonafide. This isn't an us vs them situation. This is like eight people who are detached from reality saying crazy ass shit and some outlet reporting it on a slow news day.
I swear one day, I hope, media will see how fucking twisted they themselves have made this god-forsaken planet. What they draw from it, I know not what, but hopefully a bit of "damn maybe we should chill a bit" is in the cards.