More than 4 million people in the U.S. have glaucoma, a group of eye diseases that can damage the optic nerve and lead to vision loss. It's the second-leading cause of blindness worldwide and there's currently no cure, but there's a way to help prevent vision loss through early detection and treatme...
Glaucoma is viruses and bacteria or parasites inside of the eye ball or on top. The only way to kill it off is ultraviolet radiation. Eye drops help somewhat, but alcohol even isopropyl can deteriorate vision, and growth factors like human growth hormone will repair the eyes. Even putting ones like Mechano Growth Factor or Insulin Like Growth Factor in to the eye socket through eye drops, 1 or 2 mcg per milliliter. Ultraviolet radiation penetrates the eye ball like radiation from the sun penetrating 1 to 2 inches inside of the body. As where people are sensitive to bright light, the opposite takes place where they will want brighter light bulbs. It’s better to use ultraviolet c radiation. Black lights could help but they are UV A maybe some UV B. Which are less effective than UV C. But you have to look from a foot or half a foot away directly into the light bulb for a few seconds after it turns on for 5 to 10 minutes. But you get a sunburn inside the eye. Only other treatment was marijuana. You just look till you feel it disconnect behind the eye. Just a couple seconds.
The eye infections can come from homes with high carbon dioxide levels or being outside in the wind. So using UV C lights that produce ozone or oxygen is effective.