Hate to say it, but Windows 10. My laptop doesn't support Windows 11 and Microsoft Office isn't available on linux (though I think I can do it with a windows vitual machine.) Also because of other apps like Proteus and Camtasia, or I would be on linux now.
(Is it just me or are linux mint packages usually outdated?)
What about MS Office do you need? Are you a poweruser that is very much bound by the interface due to habit? Otherwise check out OnlyOffice, it works with docx xlsx etc natively.
You can also try it on windows first.
I tried it... OnlyOffice and WPS office both mess up RTL text. Anyway I don't exactly trust WPS Office.
I've tried the option which makes Libreoffice look like MS Office. I encountered a few problems, though, specifically with Impress.
But I will switch to linux one day... I don't like windows. Too much bloatware.