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Moms, if you were struggling with your child in public and a man offered to help, would you let him and why?


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  • Dad here, I have both been the guy, and been the parent and in a safe area where you have some control basic human trust can be enough. I always ask/offer, try not to be creepy.

    I often start off, with something like "I can sympathize, I have two myself, would you like some help? I would say 50% of the time they say yes, and the rest its a combo of fear or embarrassment because they think needing help is shameful, which it is not, your community exists to help and thats how humans did it for 100k's years until the 1950's ruined everything.

    • Thanks for the comment. My wife and I have agreed to start having kids in a few months, and I've just had a lot of things swirling around in my head. I'm excited and anxious at the same time and what I would do in certain situations. But I love random moments where you can be helpful and not threatening. Due to the time period I grew up in, that post 1950s belief that you have was not trained into me.

      For example, I'm a 36-year-old white guy. I got my wife (who is awesome) and my 3 dogs. There's this one little girl that my dogs absolutely love, and she loves them too. There were small interactions with other kids around (I had to yell at the older kid because they threw shit at my door. If you need clarification on my logic, I'm happy to explain it), but she immediately locked on trying to figure my dogs out. I don't her I had no problem during the summer if she came and helped me with the dogs in the morning and evening, I was going to pay her $10 each time she helped, but I needed to meet her parents and talk to them about it first

      I didn't hear from the kid for a while, and eventually, I unintenially bumped into her dad. Long story short, he told me to stay away from his daughter.

      I was disappointed but also understood where he was coming from. However, I also believe it takes a village to raise a child, and I'm trying to consider which direction I feel I would go...