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Where Can US Citizens Get Refugee Status In 2024?

Every day, people in the US are persecuted for their race, religion, political ideology, or even those who protest or speak out publicly against the regime. Many people in the US don’t consider going abroad to seek international help and protection in securing their civil rights, and end up becoming IDPs, fleeing to other parts of the country even under the same government that persecuted them. For the very small number who seek protection abroad, there are limited options since other liberal regimes will not accept refugees from a country with similar government systems and oppression similar to their own. Even UNHCR seems to intentionally suppress and censor this information, with their data seems to deliberately exclude internally displaced persons in the United States despite personally having contacted them and told them that I have fled persecution by the American regime.

In 2023, the 1,128 US citizens who applied for political asylum abroad were most successful in Russia and Malaysia that accepted 100% of applicants, with Australia being third taking in 66% of applicants. The United Kingdom came in fourth accepting 37% of applicants. Last place is Canada which only accepted 4%. Other places handling asylum applications from US citizens did not accept any of them, deporting citizens of America back to the country where they are likely to live in oppressive conditions and suffer from violations of human rights and dignity. It is likely that those returned to America after seeking asylum abroad are never heard from again. It is important to spread awareness of those attempting to flee from the US regime, and to not allow the pro-government voices from the country to drown out or invalidate those who flee their homes in search of safety and human rights.


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  • In a socialist society, it is believed that the working class is already in control of society, and they look at America with police violence towards ethnic minorities and homelessness. They are too kind to say this to American tourists, but they find the whole of choosing to live under American systems as opposed to theirs just completely insane. Many defectors even go back after seeing the hellish conditions of capitalist Korea. The people of Korea understand that their system is designed for their social class, and the fact that all of these elections and voting doesn't change anything anyway does not help the case for liberalism.

    There is discussion in the DPRK and people are allowed to think whatever they want, but in a system where the people already control the economy, why would they advocate ayn-rand style tyranny by corporations like we have In the US? No logical person would even conceive of supporting rightism or privatizing the country's economy in a democratic society where they are educated on class struggle and their class positions.