Strongest : peopling. Also other species-ing. Mostly due to lots of practice. When I realised that tech was operated by people, a lot of things that were in the skills black hole suddenly became understandable and therefore doable.
Weakest : I am the world's WORST procrastinator. Particularly when it comes to my personal lifestyle. I really do have to prioritise life admin, and quite a lots of things are a lot further down the list compared to almost everyone else I know. Also not a film/movie/tv person - just the wrong format for me. When forced to watch a 'show', I have a strong temptation to heave half a brick through the screen. No matter what the show is. Haven't actually done that yet, but give me time.
Weakest link : getting sick (no one to help me really and feeling very alone and isolated)
Strongest link: will and determination (quitting the top 3 most addictive substances on earth by myself and making a somewhat normal life without giving up)
I have managed to find myself one of the few jobs that allow you to deal with people and not be polite - in fact sometimes being abrupt and rude can be an advantage! Being able to cut people off and focus single mindedly on getting the information you need is an asset in emergency situations.
I'm atrocious at sports and physical activities. I'm not handy at all. There's a lot of stuff, particularly in more advanced math and science, that I don't know much about. I don't watch much TV or many movies compared to most people, and end up with little to say when the topic comes up. I know nothing about cars.
If it's a one-on-one conversation, I tend to ask questions about whatever it is.
Unfortunately, this sometimes leads to them thinking I'm actually far more interested in learning about their GX-Holden-whatever than I really am, and they decide to tell me all about it next time we meet as well... 🙂
See I'm the opposite. I don't particularly like social situations but they don't bother me. With tech shit I can make things disappear and then I get asked what happened and I don't fucking know.