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Best DX

What's your best VHF DX?

For me, I've gotten QSOs 280km on both 2m FM and 1296 SSB.

On 10GHz my best so far is 213km, SSB.

All those contacts were from mountain tops, mostly to people on other mountains or ridges.


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  • Very impressed by your 10GHz result !

    My best DX on 2m was 362km in FT8.

    I used my HF setup (FTdx10 + a Raspberry Pi) with a transverter (28 > 144 MHz) outing 15 watts and a power amplifier to push signal to 50 watts.

    Map between JN25HC and JN04DB

    On 6m band, I've reached 1600km

    Map between JN25HC and KN23IF

    • I got around 1550km on 6m in the contest (CM88 to DM79, San Francisco to Denver), sideband and cw contacts. I was only running 10w to a dipole.

      People in northern California with better stations were hearing even farther east!