Cyberpunk was the nail in my pre-order coffin, fuck those clowns and their shitty releases. I don't want the game to be good and playable 3 years after I bought it.
Oh and for the fan bois if the game was so good when released, why did they have to do a complete overhaul of basically the entire game to make it good?
The release was trash and the game released with as little product as possible while charging people full price.
In what way did they do a "complete overhaul"? I played on PC when it came out and had fewer issues than plenty of other AAA releases in the last few years.
Are you upset about bugs or not getting what you expected?
If it's bugs then I'll assume either that you played it on hardware that it shouldn't have been released on, or you scream about nearly every game you play.
If it was not getting what you expected I'd suggest you disconnect from hype trains. We older gamers learned that lesson long ago when commercials only showed fmv sequences and actual game play was well below.
If I had it to do over again I'd buy CP2077 over Fallout 4 without a second thought, but no one is still whining at Bethesda over that.