I got given some used items from work, some cushions and a seemingly very big expensive bean bag that I'll need to wash before using.
I barely managed to fit the bean bag into my back boot of the car, I have feeling that it's going to be way too big for my place but it might be nice to be able to lean back into a bean bag.
I love my beanbags and will often nap in them (mostly accidentally, the cat will come up and then we're both napping lol). But as an over-30 it does a number to my back haha.
Good for gaming in if you have a console too, or reading, chilling. Our beanbags were our couch for over a year before we could buy an actual couch haha
Oh I definitely need to restock the beans, some have been lost into the far reaches of the corners of the rooms, or within the wardrobe, across 2 apartments. I reckon they're still finding beans at the 1bed I had in the city hahahah