I've literally never heard of this guy outside of Reddit (haven't been back since they killed RIF) and here. These articles do more to make him relevant than the other way around like it should be.
This is the first I’ve seen about him on Reddit or here, but he’s all over TikTok, YouTube, talked about among high schoolers and anywhere incels gather.
Not contradicting, but sharing my perspective. I teach 14 - 18 year olds in the USA, 80% of which are male. Andrew Tate peaked in their discussions about the time of his 1st arrest. (Was that last year?) I rarely hear about him anymore and really none this past school year.
If the current conversations I'm constantly battling are any indication, then the content algorithms are mainly serving up Jewish hate. Though surprisingly those comments are not tied to current events in Israel and Gaza.
In fairness that says more about you than anything else. The Guardian has been reporting regularly about him since he got arrested, i presume other outlets too but thats the one i follow. It's a major topic since he's an internationally recognised asshole that has been involved and taking photo ops with the leaders of the right of multiple countries, before being a foreign citizen involved in a heinous crime in Romania. A us/UK citizen by the way.
I too wish trump, Brannon, Tate etc disappear from the news but I'd rather that was for natural reasondlike their bodies decomposing than journalists not doing their job.
I am interested in how this evolves, whether he is finally convicted and whether he will spend some serious amount of time in a prison, be it in Romania, us or the UK.
Side note, I also think the red pillers or whether they are called these days are a symptom of society changing quickly, and young males being unable to find a way to deal with masculinity, hormones, what society expects of them, etc Somehow we need to find a way to deal with that with good role models, else people will continue being attracted to the Tate's of their time. And they will keep being in the news.