This is primarily for desktop clients. At the moment, formatting get a little crazy below 1280 px wide. There are ways to address this, but I have not at this time.
script will be updated as suggested
significant changes have been made to address alignment, spacing, and other format issues. v1.1 will be where I stop for a while.
there are two script versions: old.reddit and old.reddit.compact. The primary difference is that the "compact" version greatly reduces thumbnail size and padding space.
notice: current script unblurs NSFW
(linked thumbnail shows old.reddit.compact version of the script)
BTW, I love your themes but I haven't been using them cuz I have a very wide screen, it's like 80cm ez, and the margins are necessary lol, maybe i'll add some surround margins to the compact theme to create a version that works 4 me.
I've cleaned up a lot of things and added a big-screen handler around line 120. Perhaps you can experiment with the width as you like and let me know what works.