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"As always, pedophilia is not the same as ephebophilia." - Eliezer Yudkowsky, actual quote Thought experiment: The transhuman pedophile — LessWrong

Comment by Eliezer Yudkowsky - I may never actually use this in a story, but in another universe I had thought of having a character mention that... call it the forces of magic with normative dimension... had evaluated one pedophile who had known his desires were harmful to innocents and never acted...

Thought experiment: The transhuman pedophile — LessWrong

I somehow missed this one until now. Apparently it was once mentioned in the comments on the old sneerclub but I don't think it got a proper post, and I think it deserves one.


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  • As the old adage goes, a libertarian is someone who knows the price of everything, the value of nothing, and the age of consent in every jurisdiction