Is there such a thing as a good FREE vpn? if not what options are there?
Like ive looked around for free vpn's and the free ones seems to stink, also what are the points of a vpn besides being safe online? ive heard its used for torrenting and such acts.
is there is no such things as a free vnp that what options does one have becasue im an autistic young adult so im kind alimited in what i can do/learn and i dont hav ea job for many reasons, and my family members think vpn's are just for companys is there a cheap one i can convince them with like how do i tell them to get a vpn, also my close by family members are kinda old and such.
Overall, I wish you not to trust stupid ad integrations about "hackers can steal your cookies if you are not on VPN, instal %PRODUCT_NAME% and get a 10% removed with my code".