Ban phone just not the right thing. In nowaday, can get help if the person get school bully? Just click power button 5 times to call police. Something happen? have a call. give the chridren some money for snake or launch? phone. lost direction, phone.
"Don't have phone in my day" is not a argument, is 2023 not 1990. So much thing change, don't go backward. Just have a phone can be a warning for the people want to do bad thing, just like a nuke, is there, think before you do the thing.
The problem is the parent not the phone, just better educate the parent to enable the parent control. there is finger print, not password that can watch at the side to steal the password. No children know what is the right thing to do, if the parent not tell them, what is right and what is wrong. there no brain input, parent don't do there job is not the reason to prevent the parent do there job and protect there children using the phone.