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πŸͺ - 2023 DAY 7 SOLUTIONS -πŸͺ

Day 7: Camel Cards

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • Code block support is not fully rolled out yet but likely will be in the middle of the event. Try to share solutions as both code blocks and using something such as , pastebin, or github (code blocks to future proof it for when 0.19 comes out and since code blocks currently function in some apps and some instances as well if they are running a 0.19 beta)


πŸ”’ Thread is locked until there's at least 100 2 star entries on the global leaderboard

πŸ”“ Thread has been unlocked after around 20 mins


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  • It's Uiua time!

    It works, but even I can't understand this code any more as I'm well into my second beer, so don't put this into production, okay? (Run it here if you dare.)

    {"32T3K 765"
     "T55J5 684"
     "KK677 28"
     "KTJJT 220"
     "QQQJA 483"}
    StoInt ← /(+Γ—10)β–½Γ—βŠƒ(β‰₯0)(≀9).-@0
    ToHex ← ⊏:"  23456789abcde"βŠ—:"  23456789TJQKA"
    ToHexJ ← ⊏:"  23456789a0cde"βŠ—:"  23456789TJQKA"
    # A hand of "311" with one J will have same rank as "41"
    # Dots indicate impossible hands.
    Rankings ← {
      {"11111" "2111" "221" "311" "32" "41" "5"}   # 0
      {"..." "11111" ".." "2111" "221" "311" "41"} # 1
      {"..." "....." ".." "2111" "..." "221" "32"} # 2
      {"..." "....." ".." "...." "..." "311" "32"} # 3
      {"..." "....." ".." "...." "..." "..." "41"} # 4
      {"..." "....." ".." "...." "..." "..." "5"}  # 5
    RankHand ← (
      +@0βŠβ–.βŠ•β§»βŠ›βŠ’β‰β‡ŒβŠ•βˆ˜β–...          # Count instances, sort desc, to string
      βŠ—βŠƒβŠ’(βŠ”βŠ‘:Rankings/+=@0βŠ’β†˜1)βŠŸβˆ©β–‘ # Use table to get ranking
    ScoreHands! ← (
      ≑(βŠβŠŸβŠ“(⊐⊟RankHand.^1βŠ”)∘⍘⊟) # Rank every hand
      /+/Γ—βŠŸ+1⇑⧻.βˆ΅βŠ”β‰‘(βŠ’β†˜1)βŠββ‰‘βŠ’.   # Sort based on rankings
    β‰βŠŸβŠ“βˆ˜(∡StoInt)β˜βŠŸβ‰β‰‘(βŠβŠœβˆ˜β‰ @\s.) # Parse input