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Daily Thread - The Long Warm Tuesday of our Souls - 27/06/2023

Welcome to today's thread, brought to you by warm heaters, cuddly pets, and green energy!


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  • Pakige is scheduled for delivery today. A real physical book. I don't use them very often these days.

    • My birthday presents from Mum should be arriving soon. I'm getting the last three Mass Effect books I don't have. Still need to read the huge omnibus comics that I got for Christmas... last year? The year before? Oh well. What book did you get?

      • busts down door I heard someone say Mass Effect

        Which ones did you get?

        • Eyy Mass Effects buddy!

          I got Retribution and Deception (I know they're marked as pretty bad but I love a train wreck!) and Annihilation for Andromeda.

          • I haven't read any of the Andromeda ones yet! I should get onto that.

            I didn't have much of an issue with any of the books tbh, I thought they were fine! Or maybe I'm just biased because I love the game so much 😄

            • I think there was just lore inconsistencies with... Deception I think? The one not with Kai Leng. There was a huge Google Doc about the issues.

    • Book deliveries are a joy. The new book smell!
      What'd you get?

      • well, it's a library book so no new book smell included. A rather heavy tome on Soil Conditions and Plant Growth.

        • That's even better: old book smell. ♥
          I see you're in druid training!