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Games lorty

Why are videogame economies broken

Because capitalism sucks, and being a wage slave isn't actually fun.


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  • I've always wanted to make a survival game which is just one of those "work simulation" games (Stardew Valley, EuroTruck Simulator), but with every single hellhole capitalist nonsense to make hard as life as possible. Buying food, paying rent, drug addiction, debt traps, overdraft fees, random economy crashes, paying for transportation, paid healthcare and whatever else I could think of.

    Since roguelike games exist, there are at least a couple of people out there (me included) who enjoy incredibly stressing situations, so long as they don't present any threat for your irl survival, so there'd be some audience.

    Ironically Papers Please already is a bit of that, because communism is actually just grey capitalism.

    • IIRC there's a game where you play a homeless person that has this sort of gameplay, although I can't find the right one.

      • Citizen Sleeper is an excellent example of this, if you haven't tried it out. Not a simulation per se but it captures the feeling quite well.