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PSA: Just want to give a heads up on what is about to come in the way of Lemmy users, a huge WARNING

Read the comments in the chains that are beneath it.

My participation will be low here for the time being, but this is something that affects all. Brace yourselves.

Additional information that borderline fascistic instances like already exist (Finland NATO supporter), and (PrivacyGuides admin) is run by a US/Canada nationalist that defederated Lemmygrad day 1 and calls people here liberals.


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  • I like the idea behind Lemmy. But before the front-page was taken over by reddit-bad posts, you could see that the flagship instance is largely used for pro-russian propaganda. And the main developers who also run the instance seems to be very OK with that. I honestly would have issues working with such a person.

    from my experience, the tankies are (mostly) coming from, not

    not everyone's cup of tea.

    Beehaw excludes that instance and has strong moderation for safe spaces. it's a lovely space. is more open, but is not as tolerant to assholery as and times are... fluid at the moment, so nothing now is how it will be in a day or a week or a month.

    Stay tuned, and best wishes

    • is tolerant to assholery

      Really? I started posting here today and so far I've only received kind and interesting replies, maybe you should try not being so negative if you don't want "assholery" thrown at you.

      Why are you posting here if you hate the place and users so much anyway? Just participate in the instances that have the content you like, you don't need to go to the Marxist club to complain about Marxists existing there.

    • I appreciate the irony of coming into a lemmygrad community to complain about tankies and say is "tolerant to assholery".

      • I'm sure you do, but why would I expect a rational counterargument from a reactionary whose ideological existence depends entirely on contrarianism rather than logic? and why would I subject myself to pointless and logical-fallacy-fuelled back-and-forth from you?

        If your position had a sound argument, I would never have had anything to object to. By the tone of your indigent response, I know I can only expect trolling. i stand to gain nothing by engaging such childishness.

        Invading another sovereign nation is wrong (and illegal), and, therefore, Russia is wrong.

        • come on man you just didnt see what instance this was posted to, this is embarrasing

        • You are so high on your own supply, I don't think it would be possible for you to actually craft a coherent argument for a single position you hold. Your entire post reeks of entitlement, self righteousness, and moral indignation, wrapped in virtue signaling.

          The position of critical support for Russia in the proxy war with the US is sound and valid. It has 15 years of empirical evidence behind it. The liberal position is the one that requires axiomatic decontextualization in order to be even remotely defensible.

          But worse, you think that the existence of a sound argument precludes the need to fight for the position. This is the brain rotten liberal position that correct ideas are all that's necessary. As it turns out, if you pay attention to empirical evidence, false narrative has proven to be far more powerful than truth and false narrative has led to the mass genocide of hundreds of millions at the hands of the Eurocentric world powers over the last several centuries. So, not only is the critical support of Russia sound, the soundness does not preclude the need for engaging in rhetoric to combat false narratives.

          And you would understand all of that if you weren't too busy sniffing your own farts as a way to cope with the slow inexorable collapse of the North Atlantic world that threatens not only your way of life but also your world view that strains to maintain its compartmentalization while accommodating an ever increasing number of contradictions.

        • Please, tell me what my positions is.

          Protip: Russia is a capitalist cesspit and so is Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia both only exist seperately because the USSR was dissolved, Ukraine's control by either RF or the USA was unfortunately inevitable. I will smile if Putin is assassinated.

          • Pro tip:

            Russia is a capitalist cesspit and so is Ukraine.

            irrelevant. and no excuse for an illegal Russian invasion of another sovereign nation

            Ukraine and Russia both only exist seperately because the USSR was dissolved,

            irrelevant. and no excuse for an illegal Russian invasion of another sovereign nation

            Ukraine’s control by either RF or the USA was unfortunately inevitable

            irrelevant. and no excuse for an illegal Russian invasion of another sovereign nation

            I will smile if Putin is assassinated.

            you and me both, brother/sister

            • I don't fall under a gender binary. It's quicker to type "comrade", or "friend".

              "Illegal" makes no sense in international politics like this. The dissolution of the USSR was "illegal" (majority voted against it). The founding of almost every republic on Earth was "illegal". Almost every action taken by the CIA is "illegal". Furthermore, legality is a horrible basis for a system of ethics or morality irregardless.

              Those points were relevant to my position. No outcome is "excusable", there was no good ending for Ukraine after the fall of the USSR, and it's pointless to impose some idealistic mindset of what is right and wrong and justified and excused when all states (governments) involved deserve to be overthrown. Being controlled by USA/NATO or by Russia are both bad for the Ukrainian people, and any actual sovereignty would be crushed. Ukraine's coup was only allowed to survive because of NATO strategic interest, they are unfortunately in a position where they are forced to be subservient to their nationalistic neighbour or the world major superpower.

              The situation is terrible. Both sides suck, and my only allegiance is to the citizens of each country caught up in this bullshit.

              • I don’t fall under a gender binary. It’s quicker to type “comrade”, or “friend”.

                your personal identity has zero to do with a discussion about Russia and Ukraine. while I respect your identity, it has no bearing in this discussion, so using it as a debate point is both puerile and desperate. Your personal identity (nor anything about you) has any bearing on a discussion about the geopolitics between Russia and Ukraine.

                But, if you prefer to be addressed as "comrade", I'm happy to comply. Comrade.

                Those points were relevant to my position. No outcome is “excusable”, there was no good ending for Ukraine after the fall of the USSR


                and it’s pointless to impose some idealistic mindset of what is right and wrong and justified and excused when all states (governments) involved deserve to be overthrown

                if that were the circumstance, maybe, but you're lying in proposing that's what's happening now-- it's NOT. a sovereign nation has been invaded illegally by another. By lying about the circumstances here, you confess that you have no better reasoning or defense, therefore you LOSE the argument and any defensible position. You are wrong. International borders and their respect of them is NOT something I imposed, it's something THE WORLD agreed upon. You can't just move the goalposts when it becomes convenient for you and expect everyone else to find that acceptable or reasonable.

                Being controlled by USA/NATO or by Russia

                Ukraine meets neither of those criteria nor definitions.

                and any actual sovereignty would be crushed

                much to Russia's (and your) chagrin, that's not how sovereignty works. It's not, nor has it ever been, a "bigger dick" issue-- and even if it were, Russia still hasn't proven their "bigger dick" anyway. They keep losing!

                You obviously have a NATO grudge, and you blame Ukraine, which isn't in NATO, it makes no sense. Such irrationality only deserves mockery and derision, not a concerted response. You're a joke for even proposing it.

                you need to get your shit - and arguments - in order. you seem very confused.

                • If you want to bring relevance into this, a war in Eastern Europe has extremely little relevance to me, my family, my community, my co-workers and even my country, beyond the fortunate side effect of it weakening the major world superpower. This entire conversation is irrelevant.

                  I'm not replying to you to "win the argument", that's an unhealthy mindset to have when discussing serious issues. Especially when you just made blind assertions about others being contrarian. If you want to spew a bunch of fallacies and declare some kind of victory, twitter will happily accommodate the spectacle. If you actually care about Ukrainian peoples, projecting arguments onto other people and declaring some strange victory provides no solidarity or support for them. It doesn't help us understand what is happening, and why it will happen in other countries next decade unless we help stop it.

                  Most of the viewpoints you just projected onto me are completely baseless. I've made it clear I want the dissolution of Russia. I also want the dissolution of NATO. No contradiction! I don't know why you keep insisting I like Russia. I want it gone more than you do. If I have any grudge, it's against the Russian Federation for willingly plunging their own people into poverty and terror.

                  My critique of NATO is not a grudge, it's a recognition that they actively antagonize the sovereignty of almost the entirety of South America, Africa and the Middle East, along with much of Asia, and more. Anti-democracy, invasion and bombing. The same bullshit Russia has done to Ukraine. The sad truth is that NATO are not "good". Russia aren't either. There is no good side in this war. Neither side really give a fuck about Ukrainians, hell they barely care about their own citizens.

            • An illegal invasion is when Russia liberates Ukraine after NATO used it as a fleshlight to bomb Russia for a decade and expected Russia to turn the other cheek.

              You sure as shit would be pissed if China started setting up hundreds of millions of dollars of military equipment in Mexico and started shelling Texas for 8 goddamn years, banning the English language and committing ethnic cleansing of people with American and European heritage in Mexico, killing thousands as the world turned a blind eye and blamed the U.S.