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Do you consider Alien to be cyberpunk?

A crew of low-lifes working with an android in a dirty old spaceship for a faceless corporation that treats them as expendable.

Obviously the movie is really scifi horror, but it does hit a lot of cyberpunk themes. So do you consider Alien to be cyberpunk? If you don't, what would need to change to make it cyberpunk?

I usually include a trailer for the movies I reference but come on, it's Alien. You already know about this movie.
It's streaming on Hulu if you haven't watched it recently.


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  • There's more biopunk here than cyber.

    It's set on a spaceship... I'm not saying you can't have cyberpunk in space, but it takes a lot more than just a big corporation to turn a monster horror into cyberpunk.

    Aliens, the sequel has more of the aesthetic I guess, and which sequel was that with the crazy doctor... That one might fit a tad more but it still has more bio in it.

    • Interesting, I would've said Aliens was less cyberpunk due to the military being the main characters. The first Alien is the only one that centers around a group of nobodies, which I think makes it more of a candidate to be cyberpunk.