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Firefox Cr8zy_Ivan

Is there a way to see how much memory each Firefox Add-On uses? I've tried to look into "about:processes", and "about:memory". The first one tells you the total amount of memory used by the Add-On

Is there a way to see how much memory each Firefox Add-On uses? I've tried to look into "about:processes", and "about:memory". The first one tells you the total amount of memory used by the Add-Ons, and the latter gives you a 30,000 page long report that I don't know how to make heads or tails of. I KNOW my Add-Ons are eating up a lot of memory. I want to know WHICH ones are eating up the most so I can know which ones I should maybe shut down. Ideally, I wouldn't shut any down because they are all geared toward productivity. But maybe I can prioritize some over others.

Is there an easy way to view this information? Something akin to the Chrome web browser?



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