I'd say it does very well happen to everyone, but some people might find it much more relatable in general than others. And there would be a correlation between finding it very relatable and a diagnosis on the spectrum, but no hard causality.
Not exclusive to ADHD at all but being on medications really helps me think things through beforehand, which helps avoid OP’s situation.
But anyway you are voluntarily posting on an ADHD forum and finding commonality with an ADHD meme. If you were waiting for a sign to get evaluated: this is it. Just keep an open mind, since ADHD symptoms can be caused by a lot of things.
Same. Happens with my work. I'm sitting on a problem I cannot get past. So I start a group email to see if someone else has had a similar problem before. Halfway through explaining, I find the answer.
At least with an email, you can just close it and pretend it didn't happen.