The Kinsey Scale does not address all possible sexual identities. The Klein Sexual Orientation Grid and the Storms Scale have stepped in to further define sexual expression.
The Klein Sexual Orientation Grid, developed by Fritz Klein, features seven variables and three situations in time: past, present, and ideal. The Storms Scale, developed by Michael D. Storms, plots eroticism on an X and Y axis. This allows for a much greater range of descriptions.
Kinsey, Storm, and Klein are three of more than 200 scales to measure and describe sexual orientation.
The Kinsey scale doesn't need to be the best or most accurate scale to serve its purpose, which is to expand sexual definitions beyond labels. The simple idea of nuance to sexuality is one a lot of people struggle with, including OP.
I mean, does it even have to be mathematically plotted? Add paraphilia (both healthy and unhealthy) and fetishes and gendered and nongendered people and you have to solve differential equations to figure out your sexuality.