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General NormalPersonNumber3

Community Ideas / Places that I subscribed to elsewhere

This post serves two purposes:

  • To discuss possible communities for this instance.
  • To archive communities that I was previously subscribed to from reddit.
    • My memory is really bad, and it's possible that I could lose my ability to find the kinds of things I'm looking for.

This post is not comprehensive, I just think these particular communities have the most relevance to what I've seen here so far. It is ordered by my personal preference, then by category/subcategory.

Feel free to throw out ideas for consolidation. Since this place is relatively small at the moment, I figure it's better to be more general than specific right now.

(Are tags/labels a thing in lemmy? That could help organize more general communities)


Communities that I really like, and think would be a good fit, though some consolidation might be necessary.


  • technology
  • gadgets
  • geek
  • technews
  • electricvehicles (Maybe?)

Development / Administration

  • programming
  • learnprogramming / askprogramming
  • csharp
  • dotnet
  • linux / linux4noobs
  • PowerShell
  • gamedev
  • webdev


  • boardgames
  • games/gaming
  • webgames
  • outside (Maybe too specific, but I love this place)

Kind of Want

Communities that I browse, but don't participate in that often.


  • buildapc (Perhaps should be a part of PC Gaming, but there's many reasons to build a PC)

Development / Administration

  • typescript
  • fsharp
  • programmerHumor
  • homelab

Meta communities

Communities about communities/instances.

  • bestof One for this instance, perhaps)

Loose fit

Communities that may or may not fit this instance, but has some overlap or adjacency, at least.

  • movies
  • anime
  • audiobooks
  • personalfinance
  • jobs
  • cscareerquestions

Passing Interest

Communities that I'm subscribed to, but probably needs some consolidation or renaming.


  • rust (the programming language)
  • devops
  • amateurradio


  • gamesociety (Like a book club for games. Perhaps could belong to retro, but I'm not sure)
  • gamemusic


Possible consolidation candidate. RetroGaming, intended for games/consoles out of support/no longer being made.

  • RockinTheClassics

Specific Genres

Perhaps too specific, but I'm not sure if this is easily consolidated. Ideas welcome.

  • flightsim

Loose fit

Communities that may or may not fit this instance, but has some overlap or adjacency, at least.

  • ted
  • khan (khan academy)
  • swords
  • GameDeals
  • datasets
  • futurology
  • justrolledintotheshop (Sort of like IT work, IMO)

Maybe too specific

These are communities I'm subscribed to, but they are usually very specific. If possible, I'd like to consolidate these, but it's tricky.


  • AMD (Probably belongs to buildapc or PC_gaming, but could be a tag, if that's a thing in lemmy)

  • Ubiquiti (Tech brand)

  • cableManagement (Maybe this and the two below could belong to a homelab type thing, related to buildapc, perhaps)

  • cableadvice

  • deskCableManagement

Development / Administration

  • CollaborateCode
  • ADHD_programmers (This is so specific, but I fit into this category. I don't know where I'd find something similar)
  • programmerTIL
  • learncsharp - (Too specific, learnprogramming should be sufficient)
  • darknetplan
  • keepournetfree - (Technically could be considered a political issue (Related to net neutrality), but it's very specific. Up to you.)

Frameworks / Engines / Software

There has to be a better consolidated name for this kind of thing.

  • angular2
  • vulkan
  • openGL
  • Unity3D
  • Unity2d
  • unity_tutorials
  • godot
  • RPGMaker
  • electronjs
  • vmware
  • ansible
  • puppet
  • azuredevops


  • linux_gaming (A subset of PC_gaming, perhaps, but it's a good niche, IMO)
  • soloboardgaming (A subset of boardgaming, I don't know if lemmy supports tags)
  • incremental_games (Perhaps belong to a genre type thing?
  • gamernews (Probably unnecessary here, really, if we can tag posts)
  • ludology (Probably unnecessary here, really, if we can tag posts)
  • playdate (Not sure how this would work here, if it could)
  • SteamPlay


Possible consolidation candidate. RetroGaming, intended for games/consoles out of support/no longer being made.

  • dreamcast
  • vita
  • wiiu
  • sega32x
  • 3ds
  • gameboyAdvance
  • xlinkKai (Allows network play for older console games)


This is another candidate for consolidation. Games/Consoles that are still supported or being made.

  • nintendoswitch

Specific Games

Probably too specific to make a community here, but I at least want to document it.

  • anotheredenGlobal
  • Fallout
  • acecombat
  • Starcraft
  • Minecraft
  • ffxiv (Perhaps could make a more general sub like MMO_Games)
  • civ
    • theeternalwar (About a very specific game of civ3, only here for documentation purposes)
    • CivPolitics
  • factorio
  • simtower
  • DissidiaFFOO
  • sc2mods
  • cityofheroes
  • Freespace (Perhaps could inspire a more general community, OpenSource_Games or something)
  • Wasteland

Content/Content Creator (?)

Loose fit, these are specific discussion forums I go to about people I follow or sites/content I pay attention to.

  • TheWeeklyRoll
  • TheCompletionist
  • gametheorists
  • Phelous

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  • Thanks for making this list.

    Unfortunately it doesn't look like tags, labels, or any other form of categorization exists:

    When you create a community you define an immutable "Name" (the !name@[...]) and a "Display Name" like:

    • Name: pc_gaming
    • Display Name: PC Gaming

    I'm not sure I'd want to see free-form communities mimicking Reddit 1:1 here though. "TheWeeklyRoll" at a glance might be about drugs, Dungeons & Dragons (heh -- it is!), gambling, or bread. If only it was possible to set a short description separate from the sidebar that showed up in search results.

    [email protected] - 10 subscribers - A Dungeons and Dragons themed web comic

    I'd be totally fine with comic_[name] or comics_[author]. With that said it seems namespacing with underscores might be the only way to let people know what they're looking at.

    Video Content

    • media_[service]_[channel]

    Where service might be peertube (pt), youtube (yt), odysee (od), dailymotion (dm), etc

    Tabletop Gaming

    • tabletop_gaming (generic chat)
    • tabletop_gaming_[genre]

    PC Gaming

    • pc_gaming (generic chat)
    • pc_gaming_[operating_system]

    Retro Gaming

    • retro_gaming (generic chat)
    • retro_gaming_[device]


    • software_[product]

    Programming (low-level)

    • programming_[lang]

    Development (high-level)

    • devel_[topic]

    Where topic might be a framework or library. But I think posting "Where can I find a good Tk tutorial?" to !programming_python or "How do I decompress a file with libz?" in !programming_c is perfectly fine. In the worst case the person can just cross-post to devel_[whatever-seems-right].

    This scheme isn't perfect either. Some people might consider "ffxiv" worthy of its own namespace. Otherwise it'd end up with ridiculously long name like pc_gaming_ffxiv_{guides,clans,lore,...} instead of simply ffxiv_{help,clans,lore,...}. I'll have to sleep on it.

    I want to keep this instance on-topic as much as possible though. That is to say that even if I like/enjoy something... If it doesn't fit the theme of the landing page's side bar it probably won't exist here as a local community.

    • I think your assessment is fair, my only frame of reference has been reddit, after all. Having a good standard will make it easier to use, understand, and navigate. Having more general communities is a good start, and having more specific and niche communities can come later. Part of the reason for this post was more just to document the kinds of communities I've been a part of. It's quite possible as Lemmy gets improved, that a well-defined or complex naming standard is just not as necessary. Some sites have done clever things with email addresses, after all. It's not impossible that the same could happen with Lemmy in the future.

      This instance seemed the most relevant to my interests by it's description, even if it's really new. I was honestly tempted to set up my own at first, but I decided I did not have enough time or personal infrastructure to do so as fast as I wanted to. I think I got really lucky in finding this instance, honestly.

      Lemmy is still new to me, so I'm in the process of learning how it all fits together. Not to mention, I'm essentially scrambling at this point since I let myself get too reliant on Reddit, and boy is that biting me now, haha.

      Only mildly related to this discussion:

      When looking around, I noticed that beehaw mentions sub-communities in the sidebar of some of their communities, but I think that's not really an official thing, from what I can tell, just a regular link.

      I have so many ideas, but I'm not sure where to put them. I suppose I could always open an issue an GitHub, but I feel like I want a discussion about my ideas before I create one. It's very possible I'm over-thinking it. Looking at the code base, this might just be the push I need to finally start doing more than reading about rust.